Lecture 5 - Energy Storage & Lipid Transport Flashcards
Desc. the diff major energy stores
- Muscle glycogen: converted to glucose –> glycolysis
(no G-6-phosphatase) - Liver glycogen: glucose –> blood
(granules in cytoplasm)
Desc. glycogen structure and its functions
- Has α-1,6 form branch points, α-1,4 join chains
- Has osmotic effect: draw in H2O
- Many branches: phosphorylated for energy
Desc. glycogenesis
1. Glucose ---> G-6-P [Hexokinase, needs ATP] 2. G-6-P --> G-1-P [Phosphoglucomutase] *catalyse both ways 3. G-1-P + UTP + H20 --> UDP-glucose [G1P-uridyltransferase, needs ATP] 4. Glycogen + UDP-glucose --> Glycogen [Glycogen Synthase/Branching enzyme]
Desc. glycogenolysis
- Glycogen –> G-1-P
[Glycogen Phosphorylase/De-branching enzyme] - G-1-P –> G-6-P
What occurs to G-6-P after formed in glycogenolysis in muscle & liver?
- To muscle: Glycolysis for energy
(lacks enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase) - To liver: G-6-P –> Glucose –> blood (buffer for plasma glucose)
What are some examples and causes of glycogen storage diseases? What happens when there is an excess/diminished glycogen storage?
- Arise from deficiency of enzymes of glycogen metabolism
- Excess: lead to tissue damage, Diminished: Hypoglycaemia & poor exercise tolerance
- Von Gierke’s disease: Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency
- McArdle disease: muscle glycogen phosphorylase deficiency
What are the 3 major precursors to gluconeogenesis?
- Lactate
- Glycerol: From lipolysis
- A.a (alanine)
Desc. gluconeogenesis
- Glucogenic a.a & lactate –> pyruvate
- Pyruvate –> oxaloacetate
- Oxaloacetate –> phosphoenolpyruvate
[PEPCK] - Fructose -1,6-bisphosphate –> fructose-6-P
[fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase] [reverse is PFK, phosphofructokinase] - G-6-P –> Glucose
[G-6-Phosphatase] [Reverse is glucokinase]
What regulates gluconeogenesis?
- Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, PEPCK (Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase)
- Stimulate: glucagon, cortisol
- Inhibit: Insulin
Why is TAGs efficient energy store?
- Energy content higher than carbohydrate
- Utilise in prolonged exercise, stress, starvation
Desc. lipogenesis. (location, reaction, enzymes)
- Occurs mainly in liver, require ATP & NADPH
- Pyruvate enter mitochondria –> acetyl CoA & OAA –> citrate
- Citrate leaves and goes to cytoplasm –> acetyl CoA & OAA
- OAA recycled to form pyruvate again
- Acetyl CoA –> Malonyl CoA
[Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, require ATP] - Malonyl CoA –> F.A synthase complex (donate 2C) –> F.A
What is the key regulatory enzyme of lipogenesis? What regulates it?
- Acetyl-CoA decarboxylase
- ⬆️insulin and citrate
- ⬇️glucagon/adrenaline & AMP
What is the difference between fatty acid synthesis and β-oxidation?
- Add 2C (added as malonyl CoA)
- Occurs in cytoplasm
- Require NADPH and ATP (large)
- Regulated by acetyl CoA decarboxylase
- Glucagon, adrenaline inhibit & insulin stimulate
- Remove 2c (removed as acetyl CoA)
- Occurs in mitochondria
- Produces NADH & FADH2
- Require ATP (small amount) to activate FA
- Regulated indirectly by amount of FA
- Insulin inhibits
How lipids are transported in blood?
- 2% bound to albumin, limited capacity (~3mmol/L)
- 98% carried by:
i) Chylomicrons: Transport TAG from liver to adipose tissue
ii) VLDL: Transport TAG from liver to adipose tissue
iii) IDL: Transport cholesterol from liver to adipose tissue. Short half life, precursor for LDL
iv) LDL: Transport cholesterol from liver to tissue
v) HDL: Transport excess cholesterol from tissue to liver for disposal as bile salts/give cholesterol to cells requiring add.
Where is cholesterol synthesised and what are its functions? What is it transported as in the blood?
- Synthesised in liver
- Component of membrane (modulate fluidity)
- Synthesise steroid hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, oestrogen)
- Transported as cholesterol ester
Desc. the structure of lipoproteins
- Surface coat: phospholipid, cholesterol and apoproteins
- Hydrophobic core: TAG, cholesterol ester, ADEK
Why does blood collected from a patient have a whitish-creamy appearance?
- Chylomicrons give creamy appearance.
- Present 4-6hr after meal
What is the function of apolipoproteins?
- Co-factor for enzyme
- Ligands for cell-surface receptor
- Packaging water insol. lipid
What is the function of lipoprotein lipase?
- Hydrolyse TAG in chylomicrons and VLDL to FA & glycerol
- ApoC-II cofactor
- Found on surface of endothelial cells
Why is LDL considered ‘bad cholesterol’?
- Longer half life = more susceptible to oxidative damage
- Do not have apoC or E = X efficiently cleared by liver
- Macrophages engulf LDL –> foam cells accumulate in intima–> fatty streak –> atherosclerotic plaque –> invades lumen –> rupture –> thrombosis –> stroke/myocardial infarction
How does LDL enter cell?
- Cell has LDL receptors –> apoB on LDL act as ligand to receptors –> endocytosis –> fuse w lysosomes –> cholesterol, FA release
Desc. reverse cholesterol transport in HDL
- HDL remove cholesterol from cells –> liver
- Reduces likelihood of foam cells and atherosclerotic plaque
- ABCA1 protein facilitates transfer –> cholesterol converted to cholesterol ester by LCAT
What happens to mature HDL?
- Taken up by liver
- Cells requiring additional cholesterol (steroid hormone synthesis) use scavenger receptor to obtain cholesterol from HDL
- Exchange cholesterol ester for TAG w VLDL via cholesterol exchange transfer protein (CETP)
What is the function of Lecithin: Cholesterol Acyltransferase (LCAT)? Deficiency results in?
- Removal of core lipids from lipoprotein particles –> unstable due to ⬆️ratio of surface:core lipids
- LCAT converts cholesterol –> c.ester –> stable
- Deficiency: unstable lipoprotein –> failure lipid transport process
What are some underlying causes of hyperlipoproteinemia?
- Defective lipoprotein lipase (remove TAG from chylomicrons and VLDL)
- Defective LDL receptor
- Defective apoE –> raised IDL & chylomicron remnants
What are some clinical signs of hypercholesterolaemia? (⬆️cholesterol in blood)
- Xanthelasma: yellow patches on eyelids
- Tendon Xanthoma: nodules on tendons
- Corneal arcus: white circle around eye (common in old ppl, but if in young its hyper…)
Suggest treatment for hyperlipoproteinaemia
- 1st approach:
i) Diet = reduced cholesterol, saturated lipids & ⬆️fibre) - fibre binds to bile salts –> excrete in faeces –> bile salts X recycled, more cholesterol removed
ii) Lifestyle = ⬆️exercise, X smoke reduce cardiovascular risk - If X response, drugs:
i) Statin = reduce cholesterol by inhibiting enzyme HMG- CoA reductase, e.g Atorvastatin
ii) Bile salts sequestrants = bind bile salts in GI tract, more bile acid –> ⬆️cholesterol removed, e.g. Colestipol
What are the ranges for ideal cholesterol in body?
- Total cholesterol: HDL-C: if above 6 = high risk, the lower the better
- TAG: <2mmol in fasted sample
How do tissues obtain lipid needed?
- TAG = chylomicrons and VLDLs
lipoprotein lipase present on surface of cell–> hydrolyses TAG to FA & glycerol - (in cell) FA –> TAG
[glycerol phosphate, from glucose metabolism] - Cholesterol = LDLs (receptor mediated endocytosis)
- LDL particles bind to LDL receptors on the surface of target cells. Receptor & LDL —> cell (endocytosis) –> fuse with lysosome –> lysosomal enzyme –> release cholesterol & receptor protein destroyed
- Cholesterol –> C. ester for storage
- When the cell has enough cholesterol = synthesis of new LDL receptors and the uptake of cholesterol is reduced
Desc. lipid metabolism
- Cytoplasm: fatty acid activation
FA –> FA acyl coA
(fatty acyl coa synthase) - Enter via carnitine shuttle (controls rate of FA oxidation, inhibited by malonyl coA)
- β-oxidation: Remove 2C every time, NADH & FADH2 formed
- X ATP formed, needs O2