Lecture 4: Alcohol+ Protein Metabolism Flashcards
Case study: Pesticide Poisoning. Guy has continued exposure to aromatic weak acids (e.g. DNC).
Symptoms = Low body temp, no subcutaneous fat. Explain symptoms.
- aromatic weak acids readily penetrate the mitochondrial membrane & act as uncoupling agents
- collapses p.m.f and uncontrolled metabolism occurs
- large amount of metabolic fuel (fatty acids) + O2 used
- less ATP, more heat = high body temp = sweating to cool down
Ketogenic a/a
Lysine, Leucime
Both glucogenic and ketogenic
Tyrosine, Threonine, Phenylalanine
Which a/a do pregnant women and children need more of? (Conditionally essential)
Arginine, thyrosine, cysteine
Where do carbon atoms for non-essential a/a come from?
- intermediates of glycolysis (C3)
- PPP (C4&C5)
- Krebs Cycle (C4&C5)
Why is removal of nitrogen from a/a important?
To allow carbon skeleton of a/a to be metabolised
How is NH3 toxic (Hyperammonaemia) and state symptoms.
- associated with blurred vision, tremors, coma, death
- Disrupts energy supply to brain
- affects pH and interferes with neurotransmitter release n synthesis
Which aminotransferase enzyme is routinely measured to test for liver damage?
- ALT (Arginine Aminotransferase)
- AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase)
What is the difference between homocysteine and homocystine
- Homocystine is two homocysteine molecules joint by a disulphide bond.
- Homocystine is the oxidised form of homocysteine
What is the mode of inheritance of homocystinuria?
Autosomal recessive
How would PKU disrupt blood brain barrier?
- Phenylalanine is a large neutral amino acid (LNAA) and competes for transport across the blood brain barrier via LNAAT.
- Excess phenylalanine saturate this transporter
- Inhibiting protein/neurotransmitter synthesis = brain development affected.
Briefly explain how the metabolism of alcohol can cause damage to the liver.
- Intermediate metabolite, acetaldehyde is a toxic metabolite.
- Increased acetyl coA, more fat synthesized, converted to triacylglycerol. Decreased NAD/NADH ratio. No oxidation of FA.
- Less lipoproteins formed. Unable to transport fat out of liver. Results in ‘fatty’ liver.
Desc. the metabolism of alcohol
Ethanol —> Acetaldehyde —> Acetate
[alcohol dehydrogenase] [aldehyde dehydrogenase]
- Acetate –> acetyl CoA (enter TCA or FA synthesis)
What is the recommended limit of alcohol for both men and women in a week? What is the kinetics displayed by alcohol removal?
- 14 units spread over 3 days in a week
- Exhibits zero-order kinetics (eliminated in linear fashion) = undergo constant removal regardless of plasma conc.
Which compound formed in alcohol metabolism is toxic and what keeps its effects to a minimum?
- Acetaldehyde
- Aldehyde dehydrogenase has a very low Km
How does alcohol damage affect liver?
[3 disease]
- Fatty liver
- Alcoholic hepatitis
- Alcoholic cirrhosis (damage)
What is the response to chronic alcohol consumption?
- Decrease NAD+ –> lactate X converted to pyruvate –> lactate ⬆️ –> lactic acidosis + kidney ability to excrete uric acid ⬇️–> monosodium urate crystals form –> phagocytes remove, die –> release lysosomal enzyme –> cell lysis & inflammation –> gout
- Decrease NAD+ –> X glycerol metabolism –> ⬇️gluconeogenesis –> hypoglycaemia
- Increased acetyl~CoA –> ⬆️FA + ketone bodies + TAG –> lower lipoprotein synthesis –> fatty liver
Explain the mechanism of action of Disulfiram
- Inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase –> acetaldehyde accumulate –> ‘hangover’
- Used with other methods to stop drinking
What diseases are oxidative stress linked to?
- Cardiovascular disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Multiple sclerosis
- Cancer
What are free radicals?
An atom/molecule that has unpaired electrons and is very reactive
What are RNS and give some examples
- Superoxide react w NO to form peroxynitrite
- Not a free radical –> powerful oxidant
What are ROS and give some examples
- Superoxide and Hydroxyl radical
- H2O2 X a radical but react with Fe2+ to produce radicals
How does ROS affect DNA?
- Reacts with base: lead to mispairing –> mutation
- Reacts w sugar: Strand break/mutation
- Mutation can lead to cancer