Lecture 1 - Nutrition Flashcards
What are the essential components of a diet?
- Carbo: energy
- Protein: energy & a/a
- Fat: energy & f.a
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Water: hydration
- Fibre: normal GI function
How does fibre maintain normal GI function?
- Fibre reduces plasmic cholesterol/reduce risks of bowel cancer
- Binds to bile salts in GI tract and removed in faeces
(Bile salts are recycled by liver, but if fibre binds to it–> make more–> more cholesterol removed)
Why isn’t cellulose digested by the body?
- Cellulose-β-1,4 sugar link X digested by body, lack enzymes
N.B Glucose is α-1,4
What are the 9 essential amino acids?
If - Isoleucine (glucogenic) Learned - Lysine (ketogenic) This - Threonine Huge - Histidine List - Leucine May - Methionine Prove - Phenylalanine Truly - Tryptophan (both) Valuable - Valine
Children and pregnant women have higher rate of protein synthesis. Which a/a do they need more of?
Arginine, Tyrosine & Cysteine
not essential a/a but CONDITIONALLY essential
What are some examples of essential fatty acids?
Linoleic & Linolenic
What is the importance and some examples of minerals?
- Establish ion gradients across membranes
- Ca & K: bone structure
- Ca: Hormone secretion, muscle contraction, exocytosis, nerve conduction
What are some nutrient requirement guidelines?
*values depend on age, gender and physical activity
- RNI (Reference Nutrient Intake): for protein,vitamins & minerals
- EAR (Estimated Average Requirement): for energy
- LRNI (Lower Reference Nutrient Intake)
How are the nutritional guidelines calculated?
- Plot frequency over nutrient requirement bell curve
- 1st decile= LRNI, mean= EAR, 3rd decile= RNI
(decile within 2 s.d of mean)
LRNI: enough for small amount of ppl who have low requirements
RNI: 97.5% needs met
What factors are involved in the regulation of body weight.
Age, Sex, Body Comp, Physical activity
What is the moderate physical activity of a 70kg adult male and a 58kg adult female a day?
- Male =12,000 kJ/day
- Female= 9,500 kJ/day
What is the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and how is it calculated?
- Energy required to maintain resting activities of body:
i) maintenance of cells
ii) function of organs
iii) maintain body temp - Calculation: weight in kg x 100
What are some factors that affect BMR?
- Body size
- Gender
- Environment temperature
- Body Temp. (12% increase per degree)
- Endocrine regulation
What is voluntary physical activity?
- Energy required by skeletal, respiratory and cardiac muscle for voluntary contraction
What are the rough values of voluntary physical activity of a sedentary person, moderate activity and very active?
- Sedentary: 30kJ/Kg/day
- Moderate: 65 kJ/Kg/day
- Active: 100kJ/Kg/day