Lecture 5- DNA damage and mutation Flashcards
An alteration to the genetic material (DNA or RNA) that produces a heritable change in the nucleotide sequence
Wild type
The standard form of a gene or an organism
The altered gene or organism produced by mutation
Forward mutation
A process that converts a wild type to a mutant
A process that converts a mutation to a wild type
A description of what an organism looks like
A description of the genes of an organism
A chemical or physical agent that causes mutation
Spontaneous mutation
Genetic changes that arise naturally during the life of an organism
Induced mutation
Genetic changes caused by a specific mutagen
What are the 3 different types of mutation?
Global change
Localised change
Base pair substitution
Global change mutation
Large scale genomic changes
Chromosomal aberrations: deletions, insertions, duplications and inversions
Genome re-arrangement: redistribution if genetic material between chromosomes (translocation) that often arise from chromosome breakage
Change in chromosome number: trisomy of chromosome 21 (Down’s syndrome) which usually arises from mistakes in chromosome segragation at cell division
Localised change
Affects a small number of nucleotides
Base substitution: point mutation (single base, frame shifts)
Delection, insertion
Duplication: sequence is repeated
Inversion: sequence inverted
Translocation or transposition: movement of a piece of DNA from one location to another
Base pair substitutions
Point mutation: a mutation that results in the substitution of one base pair for a different base pair
These can be 2 types:
Transition mutation: change a purine for a purine or change a pyrimidine for a pyrimidine
Transversion mutation: change a purine for a pyrimidine or change a pyrimidine for a puring
What are the 5 possible outcomes of mutations?
Silent/samesense: no effect
Missense: amino acid substitution
Nonsense: amino acid changed to stop codon
Readthrough: stop codon changed to amino acid
Frame shift: base pair deletions or insertions in a gene induce a shift in the reading frame
What are the 4 different effects of point mutation?
No effect: silent
Missense: protein polymorphism
Change of function
Loss of function