Lecture 4 - recombination Flashcards
Helicase that functions at the interface between DNA replication and recombination to repair damage to replication forks.
Helicase domain of 400 amino acids which includes 7 sequence motifs and an ATP binding site.
A domain unique to RecQ that consists of a zinc binding domain and a winged helix involved in replication fork recognition.
The HRDC (helicase-and-RNase D-C-terminal) domain is found in RecQ and is involved in DNA binding.
What can progression of replication forks be inhibited by?
And what acts to disrupt these
Secondary motifs e.g. hair pins or G quadruplexes
RecQ disrupts these to allow for smooth progression
What direction does RecQ helicase move in and what is its function?
RecQ helicase unwinds DNA with a 3’-5’ polarity
Catalyse and get rid of Holliday junction branch migration, fork regression
Unwind DNA loops, triple helices, hairpins, G quadruplex DNA
RecQ helicase and TopoIII
From a dissolvasome complex for untangling intertwined structures that arise during DNA replication or repair
How do topoisomerases relieve torsional stress?
Break down the DNA backbone in one or both strands and then pass intact DNA through the opening before re-sealing the break
What can double Holliday junctions be dissolved by?
Formed by double stranded DNA break
Dissolved by RecQ TopoIII
The two Holliday junctions are migrated towards each other to form a hemicatanane.
The molecules are untabgled by TopoIII.
This leads to non-crossover products and promotes gene stability
Describe how RecQ and TopoIII work together to fix double Holliday junctions.
RecQ pushes the Holliday junctions together
RecQ and Topoisomerase III work together to cut one of the strands and untangle this
RecQ and Topoisomerase III completely separate the chromosomes
Conservative method that forms non-crossovers
What enzyme seals the nicks?
DNA ligase
In gram negative bacteris the branch migration and resolution steps are combined and carried our by which proteins?
Function of RuvAB
Perform branch migration
Function of RuvC
endonuclease that resolves Holliday junctions
Describe RuvA
Forms a tetramer with two channels running across the surface that assembles on Holliday junction DNA.
Specificity is achieved by two negatively charged residues from each monomer forming a protruding pin structure that blocks access of linear dsDNA.
A tetramer of RuvA binds Holliday junction DNA with high specificity.
Describe RuvB
A hexamer of RuvB threads onto dsDNA through the centre of the protein rings and acts as a helicase.
ATP hydrolysis drives the pump that translocates along dsDNA. Unlike most other helicases it does not unwind the DNA strand.
How do RuvA and RuvB work together?
A complex of RuvA and RuvB unwind Holliday junctions.
Two RuvB monomers target each tetramer block and then full hexamers are assembled.