Lecture 3- recombination Flashcards
DNA recombination
The means by which organisms can shuffle their genes.
Recombination deals with DNA double stranded breaks
Single stranded DNA
Double stranded DNA
Double stranded DNA
Exchange of genetic material
Recombindation where flanking markers are exchanged
non-crossover/patch/non-recombinants:recombination where flanking markers are not exchanged
A DNA molecule composed of two strands with each derived from the same parent chromosome
DNA molecule composed of two chains with each derived from a different parent chromosome
Gene conversion
A mismatched DNA sequence from one heteroduplex DNA strand is replaced with a sequence complementary to the other strand resulting in aberrent gamete ratios in meiosis
Spontaneous DNA damage
Degradation of DNA (loss of bases or amine groups from bases)
Metabolic products (reactive oxygen species)
Misincorporation: of bases or errors by DNA polymerases (mismatches) and DNA repair
Induced DNA damage
Mis-repair of damage caused by radiation 9UV light, X-rays)
Methylation of bases (crosslinking reagents)
Homologous recombination
Repair of a double strand DNA break.
Partner chromosomes are found and single strands exchanged to form DNA branched structures.
Exchanges provide a 3’ end to prime replication restart or offer a template to copy any genetic information that may be lost.
How does homologous recombination conserve genetic identity?
Aligns chromosomes at meiosis- chiasma form to link chromosomes so they segregate appropriately into separate cells
Repairs DNA breaks ‘Restores stalled replication forks
How does homologous recombination generate genetic diversity?
Re-arranges genes within a genome
Exchanges homologous partners
Incorporates foreign DNA
Contributes to acquisition of new traits
What is the basis of homologous recombination?
Partner chromosomes are found and single strands are exchanged to form DNA branched structures. Exchanges provide a 3’ end to prime replication restart or offer a template to copy and genetic information that may be lost.
Model of homologous recombination
Robin Holliday proposed a model to provide an explanation of recombinants that he observed in different fungi.
What are the two possible products of homologous recombination?
2 non-recombinant chromosomes with short heteroduplex regions
2 recombinant chromosomes with short heteroduplex regions
Describe the evolution of Holliday junction models
Meselson & Radding proposed that a nick in one chromosome primes DNA synthesis (from the 3’ end) that displaces a strand to form an invasive ssDNA tail that ultimately yields a Holliday junction.
Szostak proposed a model where recombination is initiated at a double strand DNA break (DSB) and the formation of two Holliday junctions. DsDNA break then the ends are exchanged to form a Holliday junction that expands to form 2.