Lecture 5 Constructivism Flashcards
3rd international/transnational
Theoretical approach
Relatively new, a set of assumptions on how to study IR, doesn’t make predictions, talks about how to change the IR system
Developed in psychology and sociology before IR
Constructivism is a tool for analysis rather than for prediction
Nicolas Onuf
1989 coined the term in “world of our making”
Key thinkers
Wendt, Onuf, Finnemore, Katzenstein, Risse, Sikkink
2 strands of social constructivist theories
1 materialist social constructivist approaches - closer to classical sociology, relationship between material and normal conditions
2 idealist social constructivist approach - society constructed through inter subjectivity - social constructivism follows this
Assumption 1 Inter system
Inter system doesn’t exist on its own, exist as inter-subjective awareness among people
No objective external reality
Human consciousness is a dominant factor
Assumption 2 Nation-states
Nation-states are not all alike
Assumption 3 History
His, pol culture, form of gov, domestic pol trends and debates shape FP
Assumption 4 Social context
Social reality is not objective
Focus on how reality is socially constructed
Assumption 5 Normative structures
Emphasis on the important of normative structures, role of identity in shaping pol action and on mutually constitutive relationship between agents and structures.
Assumption 6 Social world
Social world is recreated through inter-subjectivity
Assumption 7 IR
IR is socially constructed
States, alliances don’t exist outside human meaning
Assumption 8 Actors
States but ideas underlie state paradigms about inter system
NGOs matter.
Does structure of the system shape actors’ behavior or do actors shape the structure of the system?
Neorealism - nature of inter system
Liberalism - behvior of actors
Constructivism - actors and system influence each other
Wendt on realism
Claimed he’s a realist but condemns it for being too materialistic. He doesn’t deny competition among states
Assumption 9 Key interests
Determine key ideas as Ideas shape reality.
They help to construct social environment
4 types of ideas
Ideologies - common shared beliefs
Normative ideas - about what is right and wrong
Causal beliefs - how to achieve absolute objectives
Policy prescription - facilitate policymaking
Assumption 10 Inter norms
Norms are collectively shared understandings and expectations about appropriate behavior held by inter community
Norms important for construction of social environment of states.
States act in response to social norms
Inter institutions are primary carriers of cultural principles
Why norms matter?
R - fear of penalty/obediance
L institutionalism - compliance, in the best interest
Constructivism - habit driven conformity
How one perceives himself and how other see him. individual and collective identity
Sets of rules which stipulate how to cooperate/compete
Institutions endowed with autonomy and actor qualities
Assumption 11 Identity
identity, interests, culture play an important role.
States have identity and it determines how states interact
Identity produced by interactions, norms, cultures
Identities create interest, they are constructed by shared ideas
How change in identity of states changes their behavior?
Actors act towards objects on the basis of what value they have based on the society
Meanings of terms based on shared interests
Wendt on self-help
Self help outcome of particular interaction between states
Identities created by interactions
Structure has no existence of causal power
Wendt on anarchy 1992
Anarchy is not destiny, not an external given, it depends on out perception
Anarchy as a social construct
Cultures of anarchy
1 Hobbesian - war of all against all, states are enemies, war is a way to survive
2 Lockean - states are rivals but recognize each other and let them exist, since peace of Westphalia 1648, restraint
3 Kantian - states are friends, peaceful settlement of conflict, since WWII
Assumption 12 Inter system
Human invention, constituted by ideas not material factors, can be changes
Subjective product of ideas and identities. Definition of power influenced by the cultural and historical context in whic it is analysed
Constructivism is idealistic and structural
Neorealist neglect power, norms upheld or disregarded if in interest of powerful states, view of change, problem of deception
Realist - Wohlforth article - structural realism neglect domestic politics but classical realism does look at domestic
Logic of appropriateness
Attributes action whether it is viewed as legitimate and the right thing to do, irrespective of costs and benefits
Logic of consequences
Attributes action to the anticipated benefits and costs , mindful that other actors are doing the same thing