Lecture 2 Idealism and Realism Flashcards
Thinkers of Idealism
Immanuel Kant, Woodrow Wilson
Level of analysis of Idealism
Individual/1st image
“Perpetual Peace” - federation of free states, economic interdepence, representative governments. Wilson took the ideas into consideration to make 14 points.
Assumptions of idealism
Human nature is good. Peace in IR by having democracies and cooperation. Emphasis on the rule of law and institutions, extend domestic peace to inter realm. States try to build a just world order, try to make enforceable inter laws. Peaceful coexistence depends on people and society not just government. 3 aims of all states forming inter society - justice, prosperity, peace. States seen as progressive who want to establish peace. Cooperation is better than rivalry.
Challenges of idealism
US Congress refused to enter LoN. WWII main challenge. Interwar period Carr wrote the Twenty Years Crisis where he showed the utopian idea of idealism and blamed it for the start of the war. Carr thought that society and gov should see inter reality as it is
Main thinkers of classical realism
Sun Tzu (art of war strategic and tactic guide for generals), Thucydides (looked at clash of great powers), Machiavelli (the prince - defend interests of the state and ensure survival), Hobbes (Leviathan state of nature was brutal)
generations of classical realism
1 - interwar - Carr
2 -post WWII - Morgenthau “politics among nations”, Kennan
3 - detente - Kenneth Waltz “theory of inter pol”, Krasner, Gilpin
4 - post cold war - Mearsheimer “tragedy of great power politics”, Steven Waltz
Carr 20 years crisis
Idealism - utopia
Status quo states and revisionist states
Power types - mil, eco, ideological. States can increase power by strengthening the 3 powers. Balance of power as key regulator
Considered father of classical realism.
Stressed virtue of classical, multipolar, balance of power system.
Assumptions 1 Human nature
Pessimists on human nature
States’ behavior is influenced by selfish human nature
Assumptions 2 Politics governed
Pol governed by objective rules which are rooted in human nature. Egoism is rooted in human nature, act in narrow self-interest.
Assumptions 3 Anarchy
Anarchy is crucial feature
Anarchy is lack of supranational authority. It makes states act as it is.
Assumption 4 Military
All conflicts are resolved by military wars
Assumption 5 Inter pol
Inter pol is more important than domestic
View history as repetitive without progress
Assumption 6 Actors
Sovereign states are main actors
Due to anarchy states act in their own self ineterst
Assumption 7 Power
Power is the currency of IR
Capacity to influence others. Power is the goal to be reached. Power is relative - states look at how much power they have relative to others
Assumption 8 National interest
National interest of state are survival and national security. Classical realists believed states are inherently aggressive. Defensive realism claim that states are interested in existence
Security dilemma
Defensive realism.
After WWII
States try to maximize mil power, as one state increases, others fear attack and build up their forces too. Anarchy makes states insecure.
Assumption 9 BoP
Balance of power as best way stabilize. States balance against each other to deter conflicts. Big players in inter system have roughly the same power resources they don’t think they can win a war and so start it. Works efficiently if alliances are fluid. Golden age 18th cen Europe. Weakness - difficulty to measure power
Assumption 10 Morality
Morality has no place in inter pol. Hard to determine
Too simple. Not full description of human nature. Doesn’t account progressive change. Can’t be either empirically correct or admit the theory is more perspective. Weak possibility of predictions. Not as scientific
Realists see IR as struggle for power. States desire to dominate. Focus on military strategy and national power. Pessimistic about the IL. States are main actors. Self help system determined by the state of anarchy
Neorealism/structural realism
1979 after Kenneth Waltz. Structural as the theory primarily centers on the effect of the structure of inter system. Tried to bring more scientific approach. States seek security. Relative gains.
Main thinkers of neorealism
Waltz the founder. Influenced by positivist economic models. Believed only his theory is purely structural. Bipolar system is better
Defensive vs Offensive realism
After cold war offensive. Both theories believe that states try to maximise their security.
D - Kenneth Waltz, Posen, Snyder.
O - Mearsheimer, Copeland
Neorealism Assumption 1 Inter pol
Inter pol is a struggle for power but not due to human nature but to anarchy.
Neorealism Assumption 2 Anarchy
Anarchy is not only lack of authority but also chaos
Neorealism Assumption 3 Actors
States are rational and self-interests. They can’t trust each other as seek security and are in constant competition
Neorealism Assumption 4 States
States are defensive in nature.
Neorealism Assumption 5 Power
Power definition changed to go beyond military. It’s defined as combined capabilities of states. The stronger the state the less vulnerable it is on arena
Search for power is limited as too much power can be bad and states seek security.
Neorealism Assumption 6 Behaviour
States’ behavior depends on the environment. Structure of inter system is main determinant of behavior.
Neorealism Assumption 7 Security
Security not power. Those to try to gain too much fails eg Nazi Ger and Napolean wars
Neorealism Assumption 8 BoP
Balance of power as main regulator. Internal balancing is better than external as states can’t trust each other
Neorealism Assumption 9 Polarity
System structure is determined by polarity. Bipolarity is better than multipolarity. In multipolar system - flat hierarchy and more reciprocal. Bipolar system - split hierarchy, reciprocity and dominance between blocs
Neorealism Assumption 10 Gains
Relative gains not absolute. Inter pol is a zero-sum game as states cooperate to maximise gains and pursue relative advantages over others
Neorealism Assumption 11 Morality
Emphasis not on morality but on benefits
Neorealism Assumption 12 Economics
More role for economics
Offensive realism Assumption 1 Inter system
Inter system is hostile and unforgiving
Offensive realism Assumption 2 Actors
States are rational
Offensive realism Assumption 3 Military
All states have military capability
Offensive realism Assumption 4 Survival
All states are concerned with their own survival not safety
Offensive realism Assumption 5 Trust
All states are unsure about others’ intentions
Offensive realism Assumption 6 Power politics
Inter system forces states to have power politics
Offensive realism Assumption 7 Anarchy
Anarchy gives incentive for expansion
Offensive realism Assumption 8 Aggressive policy
Uncertainty about intentions and the idea to mobilize in the case of a worst case scenario prompts states to have aggressive policy
Offensive realism Assumption 9 Power max
Power maximization is the only way to be secure
It’s impossible to measure power, states don’t know how much power makes them secure. Power calculation is never static.
All states are revisionist except hegemon. Great powers should act aggressively to ensure security - culture of fear.
Classical and Neorealism similarities
See world as it is not as it should be. States are rational. Inter system basically stays the same.
N - leaders also have a role. States seek security. Reason for wars is anarchical system. Power as a means and a way to reach their aim. Self help nature is the main factor deciding on states’ behavior. Deductive method.
C - States are main actors. States’ interest is power. Reason for war is human nature. Power is the end goal. Struggle for power is the main motivator for pol life. Inductive method and historical approach.
Level of political realism
1st image individual
Level of neorealism
3rd image international