Lecture 3 Liberalism Flashcards
Level of analysis
2nd image domestic - focus on domestic institutions and regimes
Liberalism as a theory
Social scientific theory
Argues that society-state relations are important for IR
Main thinkers
Erasmus, Kant, Locke, Bentham, Keohane, Ikenberry, Russett, Doyle, Moravesik
Constitutionalism, authority from below, human nature is good
Individualism, federation
Individuals motivated by self interest to achieve happiness and can decide what is best for them without gov
Treat others as ethical objects with freedoms, representation and participation.
Assumption 1 Human nature
Positive view of human nature. Humans can learn from history and progress
Assumption 2 Harmony
There can be conflict but harmony is possible. Reject the view that conflict is natural relation among states.
Assumption 3 Change
Progressive change is possible. Increased material prosperity through market liberalization. Abolition of slave trade. End of cold war.
Assumption 4 Actors
Pluralism of actors - states are not the only actors
Methodological individualism
Individuals are central to any political theory or social explanation
Ethical individualism
Priority given to individual’s rights
Assumption 5 Liberal inter order
Liberal international order - open, rules-based, progressive
Assumption 6 Cooperation
Cooperation is central feature of all human relations. Keohane - hegemony doesn’t lead to cooperation
Assumption 7 Economy
Economic trade and financial agenda is more important than military factor. Economic interdependence brings peace, war is less likely.
Assumption 8 IL
Legal-formal aspects of IR such as international law
Assumption 9 Security
Collective security
Assumption 10 World politics
World politics is an interdependent global society with international institutions facilitating cooperation. Liberalism stresses that I terms like ideas, institutions, ideologies, interdependence matter.
Economic liberalism
Economic growth, market driven. Expansion in international economy makes war costly
Regulatory liberalism
International laws contribute to peaceful settlements of disputes among states and enhance global cooperation.
Social liberalism
Interactions between societies that are non-profit like exchane of students
Democratic liberalism
Spread of dem pol system make it hard to start war
Spread of democracy as best way to avoid war.
Peace is constructed
Inter order should be constructed and led by inter org.
Idealism doesn’t defend a natural harmony between states.
About morals and ideas
Liberal internationalism
Relevance of economic interdependence and prosperity as major tools for discouraging states from using force against each other
Capitalist system found in 16th cen.
Human society can be based on natural order. Law-governed inter society can emerge without gov
Complex interdependence theory
Keohane and Nye. Multiple channels connect societies. Cooperation can be achieved by reciprocal behavior of states. Interdependence is always asymmetric. Power is possessed by the state which is less dependent on others.
Features - states are not most important and independent, many channels, no use of military,
Interdependence - a reciprocal relationship between independent entities. Shared problems leads to interdependence and cooperation.
Democratic peace theory
Russett. Inspired by Kant. Democracies never go to war with other democracies since 1816. The more democratic states the more peace. Domestic structures/public will resist the launch, peaceful conflict resolution in democracies, controlled by citizens, hold common values which lead to “zone of peace”, strengthened by economic cooperation.
Criticism - not too many wars and democracies to prove this, during the cold war democracies united against non-democracies due to external threat, Democratizing is aggressive too, democracies can also fight.
Liberal institutionalism
Anarchy can be overcome by promotion of long-term state interests such as security through the use of international institutions.
UN made but this time with the sense that the most powerful states would be essential for its survival.
Transnational cooperation could resolve common problems
Great potential for human progress. Global approach. World politics as an independent global society with inter institutions
Decolonization, increase of complex mutual interdependency, power of NGOs and inter institutions, spread of democracy, globalization.
Naive, cultural imperialism, injustice, conflicts.
Neoliberal thinkers
Doyle, Nye, Keohane, Ikenberry, Russett
Treat others as ethical objects
4 institutions: judicial equality, private property rights, representative govs, eco shaped by demand and supply
Peace is possible but states need help. Depends on other factors than material power
2nd decade of the 70s
Challenges for IR - proxy conflicts between superpowers, conflict in Middle East, energy crises.
Neoliberalism Assumption 1 Actors
States are key actors but not the only significant ones
Neoliberalism Assumption 2 States
States are rational and want to maximise their interests. Want to maximse their absolute gains through cooperation
Neoliberalism Assumption 3 Cooperation
Accounts for the process of achieving cooperation under anarchy
Neoliberalism Assumption 4 Gains
States are concerned with economic gains
Neoliberalism Assumption 5 Cooperation
States cooperate under inter institutions with the goal of avoiding market failure
Neoliberalism Assumption 6 Inter institutions
Inter institutions provide arena for cooperation - help identify issues, expectations, negotiate, enhance importance of reputation. States are willing to cooperate if the behavior is reciprocated
Realism and Institutionalism similarities
States are main actors, they are rational, they seek security and material gains, anarchy is the main obstacle for cooperation
Neorealism and Institutionalism similarities
States are dominant actors, they are rational, structural theory of IR
BUT - institutionalism has different conclusions - interdependence allows cooperation
International regimes concept
Krasner. Set of norms around which expectations converge. Apply to a concrete issue area. Regime can change over time. They vary in terms of strength, organization. All states should share the main ideas about their regimes, if one doesn’t respect the regime it fails to succeed. Regime facilitate cooperation but it can take place in the absence of established regimes. Must be distinguished from broader concept of institutions, order and stability.
Neorealism, institutionalism, idealism differences
N - Democracies don’t fight each other coz they are geographically separated and have common enemies. Military alliance preserve peace, domestic policy is not important.
I - Democracies don’t fight coz leaders are held back by public opinion, trade creates mutual gains
Id - Democracies don’t fight coz they believe in norms of non-violent conflict resolution and perceive other democracies as friends. Peace is the result of norms