Lecture 5 Flashcards
When did the Slavophile/Westerners debates begin?
Late 18th century
Nobles mocked for being aliens in own country
Britain and France were used as models
When was Chaadaev’s ‘First Philosophical Letter’ published?
What did Chaadev’s letter ‘First Philosopical Letter’ say?
- Russia’s culture was based on borrowing
- Russia contributed nothing to the world
- It criticised historical continuity
What were the names of some key westernisers in Russia?
Granovsky, Botkin, Annenkov
The westernisers weren’t as coherent as slavophiles but they were united in hostility
They wanted greater social equality and to keep art separate from politics
What were the names of some key slavophiles in Russia?
Khomiakov, the Kireevskys, the Aksatovs, Samarin
They believed peasants were the core of the nation
They were very traditional and had naive ideas of utopia
Who were Belinsky and Herzen?
Westernisers who became radicalised. They pushed for artists to show truth rather than utopia
Who were the Peredvizhniki?
The ‘wanderers’. They wanted a Slavonic revival
The ‘Moguchaia Kuchka’?
The ‘Mighty Handful’. These people aimed to write distinctly Russian music