Lecture 3 Flashcards
Who promoted Anna to empress and why? When?
The noblemen, to manipulate her. 1730
What did Anna restore?
The highest senate
When did Elizabeth seize the throne?
What was Elizabeth’s impact?
- Introduced French as working language
- Had balls every Sunday
- Changed manners, etiquette, cuisine and dress style
What did Mikhail Lomonosov do?
- built the first chemistry lab in Russian
- created Russian literary language
- one of the founders of Moscow State University in 1755
What was Panin’s project?
To create an Imperial Council to advise the monarchy
What impact on the nobility did Elizabeth have?
Made them more care-free (lazy) by making their only responsibility to get sufficient education
When was Elizabeth’s charter to the gentry? What was it?
- It recognised the rights and privileges of the gentry
What were Russia’s reactions to the French Revolution?
- a decline in relations between them
- French liberal ideas in Russia
When did Radishchev publish his book “A journey from Saint Petersburg to Moscow”? What was it about? How many copies were made?
- It was a critique of serfdom and there were 26 copies.
How was Radischev punished for his work?
10 years to exile in Siberia. He was brought back after Catherine’s death and pardoned.
When was Pugachev’s uprising?
What did Paul I do?
- abolished the individual rights of the nobility
- appointed local officials
- taxed certain estates
- made nobility take part in state service
- gave the serfs the right to petition the monarchy
- legally limited the exploitation of the serfs
When was the coup d’etat against the government? Who was killed?
- Paul I
What did Aleksandr I do?
- amnesty for political prisoners
- established the ‘Confidential Committee’ with friends
- ministries instead of colleges
- 0.5% of serfs emancipated
What were Speranski’s reforms?
- local parliaments in each province
- State Council was an advisory board for the monarch
- all people with court titles were required to find a job and show proof of education and experience
When did Napoleon invade Russia?
When was the Decembrist Uprising?
December 1825
Why did the Decembrist Uprising happen?
There was disappointment among the educated nobility concerning Aleksandr I’s failure at keeping early liberalism
What happened to the ringleaders of the Decembrist Uprising?
5 ringleaders were killed. Others sent to Siberia
What was the Decembrist legacy?
- they wanted a better society for all
- they would be seen as ‘matyr’ figures for people against the regime
- the exiled ones had major impact on development of Siberia
- inspired radical females