Lecture 1 Flashcards
Where was the Roman empire in relation to Rus?
The west
Where was the Byzantine empire in relation to Rus?
The south
Where were the Khazars in relation to Rus?
The east
Who were the Varangians?
Scandinavian Vikings
What did the Varangians trade? What did they trade them for?
Fur, wax, slaves and honey. Exchanged to silver, luxury goods, corn, wine and silk
When was Kievan Rus established?
Where was it centered?
Which dynasty ruled the Slavic tribes?
What is the word for the assembly of citizens?
What is the word for the ‘special armoured group’?
When was Byzantine Christianity adopted?
Give 3 examples of changes made by the conversion
- marriages between royals
- divine rule
- no practice of blood feuds
What was the code of laws called?
Russkaya Pravda
Name 2 succesfull leaders of Kiev
- Yaroslav the Wise
- Vladimir Monomakh
In which century did Germans and Mongols invade?
13th century
When was the fall of Kiev?
What were the outcomes of the Mongol Invasion?
- disappearance of artefacts
- Orthodox church exempted from taxes
When did Petr go to Moscow?
When did Petr die?
When did Ivan III rule Moscow?
1462- 1505
What did Ivan III achieve?
- absolute autocracy
- overthrew Mongols
What is ‘votchiny’?
Ownership and authority of patrimonial estates
What was a ‘boyar’?
A person who had rights to access the grand court
Who were the ‘namestniki’?
The prince’s envoys in provinces
What was ‘kormlenie’?
Taxation and control over territories
When did the Orthodox church split?
Mid- 15th century
When did Constantinople fall to Ottoman Turks?
When did Ivan IV (the terrible) become Tsar?
What did Ivan IV achieve?
- serfom
- reforms with administration
- 1556 landholders had to provide equipped soldiers when Tsar asked for them
- alliance with Cossacks (‘free men’) to protect southern border
- conquered Kazan
- started colonisation of Siberia
- trade agreements with England
What did Ivan lose?
Routes to the sea and major cities due to conflicts with Baltic states
When were the ‘Time of Troubles’?
When was Fedor (Ivan’s son) enthroned?
What happened during the ‘Time of Troubles’?
- peasant revolts
- conflict surrounding succession to throne
- attempts at foreign control by Poland and Sweden
When was Mikhail Romanov appointed Tsar?
February 1613, at the ‘Council of the Land’
What did Mikhail Romanov aim to do?
Increase land (towards Siberia). Restore serfdom.
When were the salt riots? Why did they happen?
1648, due to high taxation
What happened in 1653? Who was ruling?
Schism of Russian Orthodox Church. Tsar Aleksey.