Lecture 5 Flashcards
What early discovery inspired griffin lore?
206BC to 220 AD found the silk road, a theory suggests that the griffin lore may have been based on seeing the protoceratops in the Gobi desert
The first dinosaur fossil is described by who and when?
Reverend Dr. Robert Plot in england in 1677
During the age of enlightenment what major conclusions (5) were drawn?
earth changes over time, earth is really old, stratigraphic principles of relative dating, fossils are the remains of ancient creatures, organisms change over time
What did Dr. Plot think the first dinosaur bone was?
Though it was a giant roman war elephant, but then changed it and though it was a biblical flood giantm named it scrotumunanum cause it kinda looked like it
What was the first dinosaur discovery by westeners in the 1800s?
mary ann matell discovers what look like very big iguana teeth and was eventually named by igunaodon
Who discovered the meglasaurus?
William buckland find lower jaw of what he believes a large lizard in 1824
Who first discovered the first non avian dinosaur found?
Gideon mantell, bought bones from a fossil dealer and discovered a partially articulated hylaeosaurus
What couple discovered a more complete speciment of the iguanodon?
Mary and Gideon mantell, found a bone that they thought was horn but was actually thumb- in 1840
Who first coined the term dinosaur?
Sir richard owen in 1842 defines dinosaur as terrible lizard, the name was basedon the few fossil bones of 4 extinct reptiles and saw it’s similarity betwene birds and reptiles.
The first identified dinosaur was what?
the inguanadon
When did victorians start creating art of diinosaurs? What did they reconstruct and what did they look like?
reconstructed hylaesaurus, iguanadon, and meglasaurus as an large heavy set quadrapedal, in 1852
In 1853 what did scultpor benjamin water house do?
created a life sized sculpture of the iguandon and hosted a dinner in the sculpture
Who described the first significant dinosaur remains in north america? What did he describe them as?
Joseph leidy, described dinos as beasts that are bipedal and the hadrosaurus was reconstructed with further info
What and when were the bone wars?
Scientists Cope and Marsh had a rivalry to discover a lot more dinos but weren’t talking to eachother so same dinos got diff names in 1877-1892
What happened in 1871 in alberta?
The first written report of dinosaur bones in laberta occured
What happened in 1874 in alberta?
george dawson found duckbilled dino fragments along the milk river
What happened in alberta in 1884?
find the skull of the first meat eating dino in canada by joseph tyrell which gets named as the albertasaurus after alberta gets named as a province
What was the era of imperialistic paleontology? What happened?
during 1907-1920, tje germans go to to tanzania and egypt and take material
the american museum of natural historys central asiatix epidition to mogolia was here in the 1920s lead by chapman andrew
When was the great dinosaur rush and what happened?
was during the 1910s to 1917s, the stenberg family and barnum brown discovered a bunch of stuff
BY the end of the great dinosaur rush how many significnt specimens had been collected and shipped to museums around the world?
over 300 specimens, not much was left in alberta
When were the calm years? What happened?
during 1930-1970, after great depression and world war two funding decreases ending large expeditions and dinos fall off
When was the dinosaur renaissance? What happened?
1970 to today, interest saprked in dinos again, ask questions abt their speed, cold versus warm blooded, family structures, how they tlaked, how they were rleated, relationship between dinos and birds, how they went extinct
How did iguanodon reconstrction chnage over time?
got more data and saw they were not lethargic and their tails don’t drag (as anatomy of pelvis and tail don’t allow it) but are horizontal and dinos ar ein bipedal position
How did we see colour in dinos?
through diff shpaed melanosomes that were preserved, diff melanosomes have diff colurs
How did the hylaeosaurus change in it’s reconstruction?
find that head sizes relate to brain and see how olfactory senses effect them
How did reconstruction of diplodacus chnage?
thought it was sprawled but acc then saw it as swimming because density of water supports their massive bodies,
What is the 1972 alberta historical resources act?
fossils are property of all albertans, fossils are to remain in laerta, excavation can only be done by pemrit holders, if not youc na get fined upto 50 000 per speciment or 1 year in prison
When was dino provincial park becoma a park/worl heritiage site?
becomea provincial aprk in 1995, and unesco world heritage site in 1979
When did the royal tyrell museum open?
in 1985
How did stegosaurus be reoncstructed wrong? or the t-rex?
had tail spiked on it’s tail and back plates on it’s tail had low lying tail, trex had backwards mishaped arms, bad head, and kangaroo tail
What do you do if you find a fossil but you’re not a paleontologust?
call a paleontologist, don’t touch or anything
What are the two types of fossil collection? Describe them?
surface collection (legal on crown/private land with land owner permission)
Illegal in protected areas, provincial and federal aprks
excavaion- digging up fossil, always need a permit.
What fossils can legally be excavated?
ammonites, oyster shells, leaf impressions, petrified wood
What are the 5 steps of excavating a s a paleontologist?
remover overburden, detail digging, field jacket it, transport to lab (remove matrix, glue back pieves, do research), kept displayed an d collected
What percent of specimens are kept in research condtions?
90% plus