Lecture 11 Flashcards
What characters of the ornithischia are related to eating plants? (3)
The predentary bone at the front of the lower jaw helped in cropping veg, the ribs flare widely to give a large gut region, and the backward pointing pubis may have accommodated large gut region
What kind of characteristics of ornithiscia lead to good chewing?
- Toothless, rough front tip
of the snout. - A jaw joint that is
positioned below the level
the tooth row - Triangular-shaped cheek
teeth with low crowns
What diagnostic characters of the ornithscia are not related to food?
- the palpebral: a bony eyebrow
- the sacrum: part of the bone that attaches to hip and is made up of at least 5 vertebrae
- ossified tendons along back and tail (helps hold tail horizontally)
Were the primitive ornothischians bipedal or quadrapedal?
What is the lesothosauras?
Is a small, leggy, Early Jurassic herbivore ornithsian It looked a lot like most primitive
dinosaurs, but with a jaw joint positioned below the tooth row.
What does the ornithiscia get grouped into?
What character makes us think that genasauria had well developed muscular cheeks?
The inset tooth row
Further divisions within the genasauria are based on what?
How efficient chewing was in each group
What are the further divisions of the genasauria?
thyreophora and the cerapoda (which includes the marginocephalia and the ornithopoda)
What are the characters of thyreophorans?
Genasaurs with dermal armor-
bony plates embedded in the
skin-along the back surface of
the body- grow within the skin
What are the characters of the cerapoda?
Genasaurs with a pronounced
What does cerapoda mean?
cera= horn
pod= foot
What are the characters of the marginocephalians?
A group united by having a shelf of bone extending over the back of the skull
What does marginocephalians means?
Margin = margin; cephal = head
What does ornithopoda mean?
Ornith = bird; pod = feet
What are the characters of the ornithopoda?
Iguanodon, “duckbilled dinosaurs,” and other
excellent chewers
What are the hadrosaurs?
Are a group of ornithischian dinosaurs called duckbilled dinos, cause they have broad duck like mouths
Were duckbilled dinos actually duckbilled?
No, the soft tissue such as the rhampotheca extended down further, so the they had a downturned hooked bill
What was the hooked bill used for?
- Gripping
- Ripping
- Breaking
tough vegetation, rather than
anything duck-like
What further proof is there and duck billed dinos (hadrosaurs) weren’t actually duckbilled?
Data from coprolites which show that hadrosaurs were consuming tough material like conifer needles, twigs, and bark