Lecture 5 Flashcards
Life history strategy:
the pattern of survival and reproduction events typical for a member of a species
What are features of apod larvae
lack true legs, worm like, poorly sclerotized
What are features or polypod larvae
caterpillar like, cylindrical body, prolegs
What are featurss of oligopod larvae
lack prolegs, functional thoracic legs, prognathous mouthparts
What is pupation
the molt into the pupal instar
What is a pharate
fully developed adult within the pupal cuticle
Different pupal types have arisen ______
What is exarate
appendages in the pupa not close to body
What is obtect
Appendages in the pupa cemented to body, cuticle sclerotized
What is a puparium
the sclerotized cuticle of the last larval instar
When does adult life begin for pupal insects
eclosion from the pupal cuticle
Do insects molt again once the adult phase is reached
What is teneral adult
the newly emerged adult, they have soft cuticle
an extended post reproductive life is important in distasteful aposematic insects because…
allows predators to learn the distastefulness of prey at periods where they are expendable
what is Ecdysteroid
arthropod steroid hormones that are responsible for molting
What is voltinism
the number of generations per year
What is univoltine
one generation per year
What is bivoltine insects
two generations per year
Whatbis multivoltine/polyvoltine
more than two generations per year
What is semivoltine
generation times in excess if one year
Most insects pause their development in undavourable conditions and enter…
What are the types of dormancy
summer aestivation, winter hibernation, involve quiescence or diapause
What is quiescence
lower its metabolism during a period of unfavourble conditions and then resume when favourable
What is diapause
initiated in response to environmental tokens, set genetic program
What are some triggers for diapause
humidity, temperature, oxygen content, barometric pressure, photoperiod