Lecture 4: Values, Attitudes & Behaviours Flashcards
what was the Asch conformity experiment? when was it?
comparing the size of a line to the 3 options
most to least visible
behaviours, attitudes, values
what are values?
enduring personal beliefs about what is important or of value
what you believe in/how you think the right way to behave is
how can values be characterised?
their intensity and their content
terminal values are…
what you want out of life, eg want to be famous
instrumental values are…
how you are going to achieve your values, eg, I will not lie to anyone to get there
how to attitudes and values interact?
values provide normative basis for attitudes, eg criteria against which we judge things… and using this, we form attitudes
what are attitudes?
evaluative statement about person, object, event etc that is persistent
how are attitudes characterised?
their persistence, valence (desirability), and direction
what are the 3 components of attitudes? this leads to behaviour
emotional (positive or negative feeling), informational (judgements), behavioural (act in accordance with our attitude
give example of the 3 components that shape behaviour based on attitudes
I dislike my job
because it doesn’t provide me with stimulating task
therefore I will look for alternative work
barriers to changing attitudes?
prior commitments
insufficient information
how can you change attitudes in the workplace?
providing more info
involving dissatisfied people to improve the situation
what is job satisfaction?
positive emotional response resulting from appraisal of one’s job
what are the big influences on job satisfaction?
job content pay (fairness of pay) promotions (recognition) supervision (good/bad bosses) co workers
how can values influence your job satisfaction
if you are someone who values status/progression, then the room for promotions will influence your job satisfaction
what are job satisfaction antecedents?
the components that influence satisfaction
high job satisfaction creates what sort of outcomes?
productivity etc:
\+ productivity - turnover - absenteeism \+ better mental and physical health \+ positive citizenship behaviour (contributing to broader org eg its culture)
what is organisational culture?
a shared understanding or set of beliefs about how people should behave in the org… the characteristics of groups, not individuals
what did hofstede research?
if people working for the same company in different companies have the same values
what is high v low power distance?
extent to which people accept unequal distribution of power… how respectful are you to those in snr positions (aus is low)
what is individualist v collectivist?
degree to which people prefer to work/value individuality or the group
what is masculinity v femininity?
tendency towards achievement status vs care for others, quality of life… recognition and power vs caring for others
what is high vs low uncertainty avoidance?
preference for structured situations, low ambiguity vs unstructured situations with high ambiguity - risk aversion
what is long v short termism?
tendency for thrift, perseverance vs respect for tradition fulfilling social obligations and protecting ones face
are you thinking about the here and now or about the future (eg climate change)
what is restraint v indulgence?
normative repression, duty v satisfaction and pleasure.what is important? do we want it now or are we willing to wait?