Lecture 4 - physical control methods continued Flashcards
Why is moist heat more effective?
Moist heat = Moist heat is much more effective than dry heat since moist heat uses denaturisation of vital molecules in a bacterial cell such as the nucleic acids and proteins therefore some enzymes are going to be affected
Destroys cells and viruses by degrading nucleic acids and denaturing enzymes and other essential proteins, it also disrupts cells membranes
How does dry heat work?
oxidises bacterial component - slower process - higher temp and longer time
Death from heating is an…
exponential function and thus occurs more rapidly as the temperature is raised
To sterilise or reduce a population it will take longer at a lower temperature than at a higher temperature
An example from the last lecture = batch, flash, UHT (increasing temperature and decreasing time)
Different microbes have
different susceptibility to heat
Thermal death point
First test of efficacy is the Thermal Death Point = the lowest temperature required to kill all cells in a standard suspension of bacteria in a liquid culture within a period of ten minutes (same time, different temperature)
Could later do a second experiment to narrow down the exact temperature of the TDP
Thermal death time
the length of time required to kill all of the cells in a standard suspension (same temperature, different time) (lowest time to kill all)
could do a second experiment from the results of the 1st
Requires only one water bath
Decimal reduction time (D value)
the length of time taken to obtain a ten-fold reduction in the number of bacteria in a standard suspension of bacteria in a liquid culture
Ten-fold reduction = 90% of the population killed = 1 log difference
Measured sample, spread out across an agar plate, count the colonies (because we need to be able to graph and get the ten-fold reduction in the total number)
Dilutions may be required early on because early numbers may be too hard to count
In the example the D value is 1 minute as it takes 1 minute for the numbers to drop 1 logarithmic difference (4-3=1)
Can conclude from the 3 line graph that death from heating occurs more rapidly as the temperature is raised
K is the …
is the death rate constant which is also the slope of the curve
K=2.3/t x log10 (Nt/N0)
Where t=time, Nt is the number of surviving cells at time t, No is the number of cells at zero time
Z value
is the temperature required for one log10 reduction in the D value
In the example the Z value is 5 degrees (120-115 degrees = 5 degrees)
When testing heat and what temperatures kill bacteria -…
Always do a control to ensure that the culture is viable (if no growth then no viable or may have very short TDT etc)
same time, different temperature VS same temperature, different time
Mechanical removal
Put through filter with pores too small for microorganisms, but large enough to allow the liquid or air to pass through
Pore size usually 0.2 µm to filter out bacteria (0.1 µm for mycoplasma since it does not have a cell wall therefore can squeeze through small pores of 0.2 µm)
Types of filters
Depth filter e.g. HEPA
Membrane filter
Nuclear pore filter
Depth filter
Structure = Random array of overlapping fibres, usually paper, asbestos or glass, has no regular pore size, structure is quite thick about 10mm high Advantage = stores lots of particles (high dirt handling capacity) Disadvantage = retains fluid in its structure - wouldn’t be used for very small amounts of solution as lots would be lost to the structure also no definite limitation of what size particle will be caught up in there Uses = HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) which is used in biological safety cabinets, or as a prefilter for highly contaminated substances as this has a high dirt handling capacity but would then need to be followed by another filter
Membrane filter
Most common type of filter that is used in sterilisation
Structure = Thin discs made up of cellulose acetate or cellulose nitrate (most common), looks like a piece of paper, acts like a sieve (microbes get trapped on the surface due to the thin nature of the filter)
Advantage = does not retain liquid
Disadvantage = pores can get blocked as it acts like a sieve (low dirt handling capacity) (therefore could use depth filter first as a pre filter)
Nuclear pore filter
Structure = very, very thing, small number of pores, polycarbonate film which can have pores processed to an exact size and arranged almost vertically through the thin film
Advantage = exact size pores
Disadvantage = small number of pores so low flow rate through the filter
Used in preparation of samples for scanning electron microscopy
HEPA filters
high efficiency particulate air filters
Laminar flow hood (basic specimen protection) - only protects specimen not the person or the environment - old method (air filtered one and then blown across the workspace area and out towards the person and lab)
Class II Biological safety cabinets (protecting specimen, user, and environment from contamination) - new method (double filters the air)
What does HEPA stand for
high efficiency particulate air
Examples of solutions that can be filtered
Tissue culture media
Serum (for lab use)
Antibiotic solutions (usually heat sensitive and expensive)
Filtered beer
Sometimes used to catch the microbes on the surface of the filter
Radiation - non-ionising
(e.g. ultraviolet radiation), wavelength of 260 nm damages the DNA in the cell by forming pyrimidine dimers, or direct protein damage
Applications include the sterilisation of benches and air
Bacteria have different sensitivities to UV light so for example E. coli is gram negative bacteria and gram negative bacteria are generally more sensitive to UV light exposure than gram positive bacteria, Bacillus subtilise is not only gram positive but it is also an endospore former which makes it highly resistant to UV light
Not used to sterilise large volumes of liquids as it cannot penetrate these to a significant depth
Creates a bond between thymine molecules on DNA creating a thymine dimer. This should kill microorganisms but they have some repair mechanisms…
Nucleotide excision repair = the UvrABD endonuclease enzyme removes damaged nucleotides. The resulting single stranded gap is filled by DNA polymerase I, and DNA ligase joins the fragments
Direct repair = uses photo reactivation….visible light and photolyase
SOS repair = Last chance repair system, a transcriptional repressor protein (LexA) is destroyed. Many genes involved. Error prone
If damage is greater than the repair going on then cell death results
Radiation - ionising
Has shorter wavelengths therefore carries more energy therefore is more suited to controlling microbial growth
Since it involves very short wavelengths and therefore high energy - this causes atoms to ionise
H2O -> H2O+ + e-
e- + H2O -> H2O-
1st line - positively charged water forms
2nd line - the electron released in the first line reacts with another water molecule therefore a negatively charged water molecule is also produced
H2O+ -> H- + OH-
H2O- -> H- + OH-
hydrogen free radical which is a strong reducing agent
hydroxyl free radical which is a strong oxidising agent
These free radicals (blue and red) then go on to react with bacterial cells and cause damage
THis all occurs when gamma rays interact with water causing the formation of free radicals and it is the free radicals that then react with the bacteria
Ionising radiation (X-rays, gamma rays) kills indirectly by inducing reactive chemical radicals (free radicals) by breaking individual molecules into ions, hence ionising radiation
Ionising radiation causes a variety of changes in cells - it breaks hydrogen bonds, oxidises double bonds, destroys ring structures, and polymerises some molecules
Bacteria can vary in their sensitivity to ionising radiation
With gamma radiation …
3.14 Gy/min (Grays/minure), using Caesium-137, for non thermal sterilisation of reagent preparations or small equipment
Advantage = ionising radiation is penetrating and therefore can be used to sterilise products even after they have been packaged
Disadvantages = expensive to operate, requires elaborate safety precautions (can be incredibly damaging to humans, lead shielding for operators
Used to sterilise lab products (petri dishes), treatment of sewage and industrial sludges, and in food preservation
death of microbe =
when it can no longer divide by binary fission