Lecture 4 Nutrition II Flashcards
Out of the superfoods discussed, name one that is a good source of vitamin B12
Outline one mechanism by which chlorophyll supports detoxification of carcinogens and toxins.
Binds with certain carcinogens by down regulating phase I enzymes and inducing phase II
Seaweeds provide which nutrients that support thyroid function
Give two ways that barley grass supports GIT function.
High fibre reduces fasting blood sugar and glycated haemoglobin
Bowel elimination nourishes microflora
Flavonoids reduce inflammation and allow healing of mucous membranes
Describe two specific benefits of broccoli sprouts
13C promotes phase II liver detoxification used in cases of estrogen dominance
Sulforaphane induces phas II detoxification enzymes down relagualtes phas I enzymes
Anti-inflammatory, anti carinogenic
What is the difference between whole and refined grains?
Whole grains- bran, germ, endosperm
Refined grans- just endosperm not as nutritious
Name TWO heavy metal chelators discussed.
Garlic: benefits and clinical applications
Dental infections Athletes foot Ear infections Digestive fire GIT microbial Antihypertensive Reduces LDL Improves blood circulation Enhances Glutathione peroxidase production
Dry is hot
Fresh is warming (better for digestive complaints)
Digestive fire
Pro-kinetic for the MMc (migrating motor complex)
Spleen Qi deficiency
Anti- microbial, inflammatory, nausea
Circulatory stimulant
Liver Flush Protocol
Make smoothie
Drink 10 days first thing morning
Do not eat for two hours afterward
Juice of lemon or lime A garlic clove 1/pint/ 1/4 litre fresh pressed apple, carrot, celery or beetroot juice Tbsp olive oil Small piece of treated fresh ginger Prince of cayenne
Warming Iron Betalain pigments Inorganic nitrates- body makes nitric oxide Anti-inflammatory Vasodilatory Beta in supports methylation
Vitamin C, K
Atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases
High in vitamin c Cooling Immune boosting Anti-vira Diaphoretic
Cranberry (contraindicated if kidney stones)
Proanthocyanins Vitamin c Cooling Urinary antispetic Impedes attachment of Escherichia coil the bacteria associated with UTIs prevents frimbriae attachement
Chia seeds
Cooling, moistening Omega-e fatty acids Fiber Protein Mucilage Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory Blood sugar regulation