Lecture 4 - Intermittency, flexibility and energy storage Flashcards
Explain system margin
- To maintain reliability of supply, peak demand must not exceed production capacity at that moment.
- Historically, planners sought to ensure that installed generation capacity could meet forecast peak demand within a planning horizon.
- In liberalised markets, individual market participants are responsible only for ensuring adequate generation capacity is available to meet their own contracts to supply electricity.
- In either case, system margin can be measured as the amount by which the total installed capacity of all generating plants on the system exceeds the anticipated peak demand.
What are the two categories of impact associated with introducing more intermittent electricity into the grid?
- System balancing - relates to the relatively rapid short term adjustments needed to manage fluctuations over a time period from minutes to hours.
- Reliability impacts - relates to the extent to which we can be confident that sufficient generation will be available to meet peak demand.
Explain system balancing
Relates to the relatively rapid short term adjustments needed to manage fluctuations over a time period from minutes to hours.
Explain reliability impacts
Relates to the extent to which we can be confident that sufficient generation will be available to meet peak demand.
Explain frequency response
- Frequency of AC on the grid will drop in response to a sudden fall in generation or increase in demand.
- ‘Frequency response reserves’ are required to ensure frequency stays within acceptable limits (within 1% of 50Hz in the UK).
What are frequency response reserve required for?
To ensure frequency stays within acceptable limits (within 1% of 50Hz in the UK).
What is the acceptable limit for frequency response in the UK
Within 1% of 50Hz
Name and describe the three categories of frequency response reserves
- Enhanced frequency response (EFR) - must provide power (or reduce demand) within 1 second and provide power for a further 9 seconds.
- Primary frequency response (PFR) - must provide power (or reduce demand) within 10 seconds and provide power for a further 20 seconds.
- Secondary frequency response (SFR) - must provide power (or reduce demand) within 30 seconds and provide power for a further 30 mins.
What is enhanced frequency response (EFR)?
Must provide power (or reduce demand) within 1 second and provide power for a further 9 seconds.
What is primary frequency response (PFR)?
Must provide power (or reduce demand) within 10 seconds and provide power for a further 20 seconds.
What is secondary frequency response (SFR)?
Must provide power (or reduce demand) within 30 seconds and provide power for a further 30 mins.
What is Loss of Load Probability (LOLP)?
- Statistical measure of the risk of demand being unmet
- Measures the likelihood that any load (demand) is not met, and it is usually a requirement of electricity systems that LOLP is kept small.
- Variable generation increases LOLP
What is capacity credit?
- The possibility for a certain power plant to increase the reliability, measured as decreased LOLP, of the power system with a certain level.
- How much electricity can a technology provide at peak demand?
At what ratio is renewable energy currently backed up in the EU?
Total capacity:renewable capacity = 2:1
What are the main costs of intermittency?
- Aggregate costs of intermittency are made up of additional short-run balancing costs and the additional longer term costs associated with maintaining reliability via an adequate system margin.
- A 2017 review suggested that, at variable renewable penetration of 30% or less, intermittency costs in the UK are: £5/MWh from short-run balancing costs and £4-7/MWh from costs of maintaining a higher system margin.
- Be careful summing the numbers because risks double counting some costs (e.g. system reserves to meet short-term balancing requirements may also contribute to the capacity margin).
- Balancing in the UK is mainly through thermal plants.
Name four methods of ensuring consistent supply
- Energy storage
- Increased connectivity
- Demand side management
- Dispatch generation
What impact can increased interconnectivity have on the US electricity sector?
By 2030, increased interconnectivity can reduce carbon emissions by up to 30% relative to 1990 without an increase in LCOE.
Explain demand side management
- Modification of consumer demand through various means such as financial incentives and behavioural changes.
- Usually goal is to encourage consumer to use less energy during peak hours, or to move the time of energy use to off-peak times, e.g. night and weekend.s
- Applies to both domestic and industrial consumers.
- Can operate over a large range of timescales, each requiring different infrastructure/cooperation.
What processes can demand side management be applied to in industry?
- Food: electric defrost, refrigerated warehouses, cooling production.
- Steel manufacturing/aluminium production: steel mill, electric arc furnace, oxygen generation facilities, crushing.
- Cement manufacturing: grinding mills, quarrying operations, row mix grinding, clinker grinding, crushing.
How can energy storage be categorised?
- Mode of storage: electrochemical, mechanical, thermal, electrical
- Speed of response: milliseconds, seconds, minutes
- Relevant scale: off-grid (1-10s kWh), mini-grid (10-100s kWh), grid (MWh)
- Power/energy/cost/suitability
- Power/energy density
Name the main types of electrochemical storage
- Lead acid battery
- Lithium-ion battery
- Redox-flow batteries
- High temperature sodium based batteries
- Power-to-gas
Name the main types of mechanical storage
- Pumped hydroelectric storage (PHS)
- Compressed air energy storage (CAES)
- Flywheel
Name the main types of thermal storage
- Liquid air energy storage (LAES)
Name the main types of electromagnetic storage
- Supercapacitatiors
- Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES)
What is the current deployment of key storage technologies?
- PHS >100,000MW
- Flywheel/Li-ion (grid) 1000MW
- Sodium sulphur 800MW
- CAES 700MW
- Lead acid (grid) 300MW
- SMES 100MW
- Supercapacitators 50MW
- Vanadium RFB/ PtG 20MW
- Cryogenic thermal 8MW
What storage can be used for the following:
- Inter-seasonal
- Seasonal
- Large-scale grid support
- Small-scale grid support
- Off-grid utility scale
- Inter-seasonal: Hydrogen
- Seasonal: Hydrogen/PHS/CAES
- Large-scale grid support: PHS/Battery
- Small-scale grid support: Flywheel/Battery
- Off-grid utility scale: Flywheel/Battery
Describe flexibility in the UK electricity system
- Optimal 2030 UK generation mix at 50gCO2/kWh with a renege of flexibility levels - characterised by amount of flexible generation, demand side response, energy storage and interconnectivity.
- No viable renewables in low flexibility case, viable renewables supplying approx 2/3 of electricity in fully flexible case.
- Savings chiefly arise through reduced capital investment in nuclear and CCS - which more than compensates for increased investment in renewable energy sources.
What has been the impact of off-grid solar + lead acid batteries vs diesel in Africa?
Solar PV + lead acid battery storage has been cost-competitive with grid connection and off-grid diesel generation in much of Africa since 2011.
What has been the impact of off-gird solar PV/Li-ion/diesel hybrid system in India?
- Lowest cost system generates 100% of electricity from diesel according to 2015 cost estimates, at approx 1,000 gCO2/kWh
- Lowest cost system projects to supply approx 80% from solar from 2020 at 500 gCO2/kWh
- Meeting very high proportions of demand (>95%) with solar PV + storage may have a higher energy intensity than a hybrid diesel system owing to the carbon footprint of a large solar PV panel.
What are the main policy/regulation challenges for energy storage?
- Policy structures to access multiple streams of income - many technologies are technically able to offer a range of services (e.g EFR and capacity) but cannot bid for them simultaneously.
- Policy structures to access multiple streams of income - most domestic consumers pay a flat-rate for electricity which does not vary with what that unit of electricity cost to generate. Roll-out of smart meters could help.
- Removal of regulatory barriers, e.g. double charging of fees as generator and consumer etc
- Technology support - R&D, demonstration projects, deployment
- Contract length - contracts lasting just a few years allow providers the option to replace technology at the end of the contract period, but some technologies have proven or projected lifetimes of 10’s of years. Short contract lengths also likely to promote cost-saving developments over increasing the lifetime of the technologies.
- Regulation around environmental impact - whilst some regulations exist around battery disposal, further policies and regulations could help to reduce environmental impact of electricity storage technologies.