lecture 4 - ecological validity / construct validity / confirmatory factor analysis and WAIS Flashcards
what is ecological validity
Ecological validity refers to the degree to which test performance corresponds to real-world performance
Very relevant to applied situations – what are the functional consequences of
stroke, brain injury, dementia etc.
it is suggested that some neuropsychological tests have ______ validity
how can ecological validity be assesed
Test scores can be compared with rating of everyday behaviour for the domain of interest using
-Self and informant questionnaires
-Clinical rating scales
-Observation of simulated tasks
executive function
Executive function refers to cognitive skills in problem solving, decision making, planning and completing tasks, and reflecting on activity
dysexecutive problems
Dysexecutive Problems: Starting or finishing tasks, Planning ahead, Making decisions, Thinking through problems and forming solutions, Behaving appropriately and controlling emotions such as anger
tests that measure dysexceutive problems
Range of tests that measure dysexecutive problems, e.g. Behavioural Assessment
of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS: Wilson et al., 1996).
Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX; Burgess et al., 1998)
- 20 items measuring behavioural, cognitive, motivational and emotional changes from pre-morbid functioning generating.
-Neuropsychological tests of executive function can be compared with DEX scores
ecological validity
- correlation
-what are test results affected by
Burgess reports modest correlations
Better correlations when using informant, clinician, parent/carer ratings
Test results will be affected by:
* Environment
* Limited behaviour observed
* Compensatory strategies
Ratings of everyday functioning are by no means perfect
* Relatives may be protective, or may be overly negative in their
Taking these into consideration, ability to predict is improved
burgess et al 1998- correlation between everyday executive problems (DEC proxy rating) and some putative EF tests
-phonemic fluency - eg you ha e 60 seconds to say words beginning with A - good test in EF -0.35
-modified card sorting test -set of cards with 3 concepts, colour,shape, number, individual has to sort by one element 0.37
- six elements -6 subtests, maths,dictation, picture (both have 2 )0.40
- cognitive estimates - like a pop quiz, more about how they think through the question and reason (how tall is a london bus, how many camels are there in the UK, questions that don’t necessarily have an answer) 0.29
what is construct validity
Construct validity is the broadest form of validity: does a test measure what it’s meant
to test
constructs are ___________. but the test measures them
Constructs are unobservable but the tests measure them – the WAIS measures intelligence
Researchers can assess construct validity by making predictions on how scores may change in various ways
-what are the ways
Test Homogeneity
◦ Evidence from changes with age
◦ Evidence from pre-test and post-change changes
◦ Evidence from distinct groups
◦ Convergent and divergent evidence
◦ Factor Analysis
what is factor analysis
Factor analysis determines the underlying relationships between sets of variables such as
test scores.
Relationships are called Factors (i.e. the construct such as intelligence or personality traits).
Psychometric factor analysis is used as a data reduction technique. explain this
Here we are NOT interested in the statistical procedures!
In psychometrics FA is used as a data reduction technique – it take individual test and the correlations between them. Patterns of scores clustering together suggests they are measuring the same thing
◦ E.g. Do you like going to parties / socialising / are you the life and soul of a party etc., and similar scores may all be measuring – extraversion
So, what’s this got to do with CV?
Researchers can collect data and make specific predictions on how scores should correlate
based on their theory.
Traditionally, factor analysis can be used to study _______ validity
-what is a more recent technique to study this
traditionally, factor analysis has been used to study construct validity
Confirmatory factor analysis is a relatively recent technique for evaluating the
construct validity of psychological tests
It is now very widely used in psychological research. Therefore you should become familiar with it if you want to make sense of the literature on psychological assessment and in other areas of psychology
As a starting point we will use the example of the WAIS-IV and ask whether intelligence is made up of one, two, or more constructs
representation of CFA model - one factor model for WAIS-IV. (consists of )
latent variables - (underlying factors) are represented as ovals or circles
observed variables are represented as squares or oblongs
single headed arrow indicates causality
(error is also treated as a latent variable; represents the variance in observed variables that is not explained by the factor
cfa model
-can allow for _________ between factors too
(slide 12) - here the two factors are allowed to correlate (i.e they are related)
slide 13 - Here the two factors are FIRST order factors; a further higher (SECOND) order factor accounts for the relationship between the two factors. It is models of this
type we will be looking at for the
fit statistics
We get a number of statistics that tell us which model the data best fits – these are collectively called fit statistics.
For example - A large chi square value ( x2 ) tells you that a model has poor fit.
Cumulative Fit Indices
-what do high values indicate
Cumulative Fit Indices (CFI): there are a variety of these. All have the
characteristic that they range from 0 to 1.
High values (i.e. at least above 0.9) for a CFI suggest that the model has good fit
There are other measures of fit but we will limit ourselves to these two
Results of testing competing CFA models of the structure of the WAIS-IV in UK validation sample