Lecture 4: Building Innovative Organizations Flashcards
What are some features of structure?
- Organization design that enables creativity
- balance between organic and mechanistic options
What are some features of key individuals?
- promoters, champions, gatekeepers
What are some features of effective team working?
- appropriate use of teams to solve problems
- investment in team selection
What are some features of high- involvement innovation?
Participation a in continuous improvements
What are some key features of a Creative Climate?
Positive approach to creative ideas supported by relevant motivation systems
What are some key features of external focus?
Internal and external customer orientation
What were the 6 factors that the review of 27 empirical studies of innovation and leadership found leaders should focus on?
1) establish an innovation policy and communicate to employees that innovative behaviour is rewarded
2) heterogeneity of teams but also diversity
3) promote emotional safety, respect and joy
4) give individuals and teams autonomy
5) time limits for idea creation should be set
6) engage closely in evaluation of innovative activities
Three key components of Organization structure:
- formal reporting relationships
- grouping of individuals
- design of systems
What are key features of shared vision and leadership?
- clearly articulated purpose
- strategic intent
- top management commitment
Discuss the Information-Processing Perspective:
- provide vertical and horizontal info flow
- traditional vs learning organisations (traditional design emphasises vertical) (learning emphasiEs comms and collaboration)
- centralised vs decentralised decision making
Discuss techniques for encouraging technological information:
- switching structures
- creative departments
- venture teams
- corporate entrepreneurship
Horizontal Organozaion is designed for ______
Vertical Organization is designed for ______
If vertical is dominant:
- Specialized tasks
- strict hierarchy
- vertical communication
- few teams, task forces
- centralised decision making
If horizontal is dominant:
- shared tasks, empowerment
- relaxed hierarchy, few rules
- horizontal comms, face 2 face
- many teams, task force
- decentralised decision making