Lecture 4: behr Flashcards
name an enviromental bacteria
name a commensal bacteria
staph epi
name a host adapted pathogen
m tuberculosis
name an endosymbiont
true or false: it is possible that a pathogen is also a symboint
what is an opportunistic pathogen
do nto live to cause pathology but can cause disease
what are professional pathogens
pathology os a part of the life cycle of the pathogen
what is an obligate intracellular pathogen
you can’t grow the organism outside of the host
ex: tb
what are host associated pathogens
take away the host like human or cow and the organism disappears
-they are kinda host dependant
true or false: most bacteria do not make people sick
give an example of the fact that bacteria that do make people sick do not make everyone sick
campylobacter oral challenge 31/111 got sic
true or false: the capacity to cause disease=capacity to transmit
ex: bacterial meningitis sucks at spreading
where is legionella
cooling towers
where is staph aureus
what makes bacteria sucessfu;
-find a nice and repoicate
ex: indoor plumbing or respiratory tract
optimal temp: 30c what it infect
fish, hand and feet
optimal temp: 37c what it infect
can proliferate in human bloodstream
is temperatire dependant growth a virulence factor
what is the growth rate in m tuberculosis and m bovis
slow growing mycobacteria
name the mycobacterium tubercilosis complex and whay they infect
M. tuberculosis complex (MTC):
– M. tuberculosis: human
– M. bovis: cow
– M. orygis: oryx?
– M. caprae: goat
– M. microti: vole
which type of disease can cause spillover infections
agents of tuberculosis can be misnomers
what dies mycobacterium avium cause
disseminated disease in aids and lymph node disease in kids
what does: M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis cause
johns disease, postulated agent of chrohns disease
what does m leprae cause
what does m ulcerans cause
buruli ulder aka bairnsdale ulcer