Lecture 4-6 Flashcards
Caste system stereotypes
- Caste entirely determined by birth
- No mobility
- No intermarriage
- Eternal / divinely created
- Jobs invariably correspond woh caste
- Always hierarchical in same way
Varna (class) system
3 class system
Jati (caste) system
Intermarriage among groups = forbidden
Jati means birth -caste determined by birth
Self governing
Pre aryan
Smaller class of people
Self governing
Village level
Modern day
Purity and pollution
Bodily excretions: Impossible to avoid for long
Kinship: death = impurity , birth
People of other classes/castes
Violation of dharma (duty/responsibilities)
Appears at the door of guru
Asks to teach him the vedas
Doesn’t know his varna
Guru says he is a bramana because he had to courage to speak up
The story suggests that this boy is a sudra at birth but declared him a bramana based on his moral character
Varna’s are produced by moral character
People must embody the virtues in order to fit into the varna and some may be misplaced
Certain actions and eventually have personal consequences for you
Bare bones conception
Actions produce merit or demerit which create personal consequences
Keeps track then comes around to give you rewards or consequences
If no Varuna then some psychological factor is involved
Right actions produce
What is merit
Good habits
Ow does merit produce consequences
Good = pleasure, good virtue (human being, higher varna, long life)
What is demerit
Bad habits
-smoking , drugs
How does demerit produce consequences
Pain - born as an animal, plant, born with disabilities , short life
2 problems with the contemporary interpretation
- No way to avoid merit and demerit
- Role for desire
- if there is desire = merit and demerit
- if there is no desire then you won’t have merit and demerit
Solutions to problems
Desire has to have a role
Clarify the role that desire has then you have a role for desire and the presence of absence of desire is a way to avoid merit and demerit
Perform an action
Immediate consequence = pain and pleasure
Desire to feel the same pleasure again or desire to avoid the same pain
Habit to repeat the action (merit and demerit)