Lecture 10-12 Flashcards
Cycle of the universe
- Creation
- Golden age - doing the right action, everyone preforming their dharma faithfully
- Kaliage
- Dissolution (pralaya)
Markandeya himself
Sees the pandava brothers
Sage, renunciate - he’s achieved such incredible accomplishments that he is immune from the pralaya- very close to moksa
Immortal sage- only human being who is able to witness the circle first hand
Describes the kaliage as: Population decrease Deceit Sexual immorality Non dharmic
Destructive process
Drought Fire Clouds Lightning Rain Collapse Hurricane winds Calmness
Markandeya story
After dissolution finds krsna
Krsna eats him and markandeya sees the entire world in perfection
After 100 years he is blown out of krsnas mouth
Krsna explains because markandeya is devoted
Themes of markandeya
- Vishnu as destroyer
- destroys the universe by natural catastrophe - Vishnu as creator
- destroys then recreates in his own body - Vishnu as containing the universe
- the line between Vishnu the personified god who gets involved with human affairs and Vishnu in the sense of Brahman becomes blurred
- Brahman at the ultimate level is identical with the entire universe - Vishnu as playful
-sense of a child playful
Ambiguous identity -something deceptive going on - Bhakti (devotion)
- praises krsna
- krsna indulges markandeya curiosity by explaining what happens
The dwarf story
King Bali (demon) rules the 3 worlds Vishnu decided to intervene Shrinks himself down to a dwarf Asks king Bali door his boon to be to give him the amount of land worth 3 strides Bali agrees Vishnu becomes his real size Takes back the 3 worlds Defeats the demons Vishnu hands ownership of the world over to Indra
Themes of the dwarf
- Vishnu as supreme god
- only person who can defeat Bali
- Vishnu appoints the rulers of the three worlds then he is superior to the person he announces - Vishnu as maintainer
- best known as maintainer
- upholding the order of the world
- demons is a sign of disorder
- Vishnu returns control to the gods - Vishnu containing the universe
- notion of expansion that is associated with creation
- sense in which the universe is contained within it
- of Vishnu can expand like this, there is no limit to his expansion he might just contain everything - Vishnu is playful
- tricked Bali
- deceitful
Krsnas birth story
Devaki is his biological mother
Must keep children safe from king kamsa
Prophecy that the 8th child (krsna) will kill him
First 6 children were demons but even though they were demons they were renunciate
They receive a boo
Grandfather curses them and they will be killed by his father in the next life
Sleep delivers the embryos to devaki
Makes a feel with her that she will become a goddess
Moves balarama to the womb of rohini (a cow herd woman)
Vishnu puts krsna into yasoda
King kamsa kills sleep instead of krsna
Themes of krsna’s birth story
- Maintain dharma /world
- rewind the degeneration that is occurring
- eliminates dharma by eliminating king kamsa
- Krsna or sleep eventually kills king kamsa - Playfulness
- trickery - Krsna is a prince but disguised as a commoner
- Disguised as a human being when he is a god
- Disguised as the son of yasoda but when he is actually the son of devaki
Story 58 after the birth of Krsna
Putana- devourer of children
Putana attempts to breast feed him but her breast milk has been poisoned
Krsna sucks the life out of her
Krsna is missing but found playing on her chest fearlessly
Cut the body of the demon into pieces and spread them and burned them
The body parts smell sweet because her sins have been purged by feeding Krsna and she goes to heaven
Just because her actions show a loving mother
Themes in the putana and Krsna story
- Krsna maintains dharma
- if she is allowed to go along and kill children that will lead to the degeneration of the world
- prevents her from killing more children in the future - Playfulness
- supreme god in the form of a baby
- a disguise
- playing I the breasts of putana after her death - Bhakti (devotion)
- putana sins are other and goes to heaven as the result of poisoning Krsna
- her act resembles the act of the loving action from a mother
Krsna’s mother looks into his mouth story
Krsna is a rebellious child
She looks into his mouth and sees the entire world
She bows down
In the end Krsna erases her memory of the whole event and the only consequence is yasoda has a deeper affection
Themes of krsna’s mother looking into his mouth
- Playfulness
-naughty little boy by disguised himself as good in front of his mother
-disguised identity
Trickery - Vishnu as containing the universe
- Bhakti (devotion)
- yasoda loves Krsna no matter what
- maternal affection
- sees his true identity she stands in awe, falls to her knees and prospers
God of destruction
Be an individual who encompasses things that are supposed to be contradictory
Erotic ascetic
Thought of as a proto of siva
Connection with animals and forest
Siva received his creative attributes
He doors the phallic and adulterous character that he embodies
Aghl (god of fire)
Adopts his as drums and passion often seen as one in the same
Divas destruction of daksa’s sacrifice
Lives in far mountains
Priest daksa performs a great sacrifice and siva isn’t invited
Horse sacrifice
Gets angry and burns everything
Brahma appears and asks siva to stop the destruction, and promises that siva will get a part of the offerings
-siva agrees
Siva second story
Brahma tells rudra to create the world
Siva plunges into the water
A Brahma daksa performs sacrifice that causes the creation of the world while siva is under water
Daksa is in both stories Siva emerged angry Ends up destroying the world Commands everyone to worship him Their boon is for siva to teach the vedas
Themes for sivas story #1 and #2
- Siva originated outside Vedic pantheon
- lives far from everyone and that’s where indigenous people live
- he is god of the indigenous
- after he gets mad he destroys everything
- elevated to highest rank - Siva as destroyer
- siva destroys the sacrifice but the sacrifice is a metaphor for the world because the sacrifices serve to keep the world functioning properly
- when he destroys the sacrifice he is destroying the world
- as a destroyer = fundamental duty
Dooms day fire appears in both stories - and will consume everything - Siva as supreme god
- he is elevated above other god
- even Brahma beds - Siva can be pacified
- despite his anger he can be pleased by worship
- does boons
- can become protector
Destruction of the triple city
Demons including taraka are defeated by the gods
His sounds perform deeds to accumulate power
Brahma grants wish
Asks for three cities (3 worlds)
After 1000 years cities will merge and Brahma can come down and kill hen with one single arrow
He agrees
These cities become corrupt
Only siva can beat the demons even thought he doesn’t want to be apart of it
Siva instead gives his weapons and half of his energy but they can’t beat the demons
Finally he agrees and he slays the demons
Themes of the triple city
- Siva as supreme god
- greater and more powerful than the other gods
- gods come to him specifically - Siva as destroyer of the world
- three cities =entire universe
- the who universe enters his limbs and he laughs
- he is described as angry, the fire of anger that is hard to bare - Siva maintains the world
- returns the world into a state of dharma
- restores the power of the gods by killing the demons sons - Siva as protector
- those who go to siva are aided
- if properly worshipping him