Lecture 34: Concentrating Mechanisms Flashcards
Objectives – Describe the process of dilute urine formation – Describe how concentrated urine is formed – Compare and contrast the processes of countercurrent multiplication countercurrent exchange
ADH requirements to make conc urine
REQS an osmotic gradient of solutes in ISF of RENAL MEDULLA
three major ones
3 major solutes for high osmolarirty gradient in ISF of renal medulla
formed when knock an NH3 of proteins
NH3 TOXIC so we make it urea
factors affecting osmotic gradeint gradient
- Peremeability differences
2. Countercurrent flow
Peremeability differences
in different section of LH and CD
Countercurrent flow
in opp directions through tube shaped structures arranged closely and parallely in medulla
ex LHs can exchange matreials this way
Countercurrent Multiplication definition
progressively INC osmotic gradeint forms in ISF of renal medulla DUE TO countercurrent flow
Countercurrnet Exchange
process where solutes and water exchanged BETWEEN blood of vasa recta and ISF of renal medulla
Vasa recta: descending and ascending loops PARALLEL to each other AND to loops of Henle
Countercurrent flow
through limbs=schange of soultes and water BETWEEN VASA RECTA BLOOD AND ISF OF MEDULLA
vasa recta…
is a countercurrent exchanger
what does vasa recta provide
oxygen and nutrients to renal medulla W/O washing out osmtic gradient
Long loop of Henlee AND vasa recta together…
LLH ESTABLISHES osmotic gradient in renal medulla
VR: MAINTAINS gradient by countercurrent exchange
Slides to ADD
countercurrent multiplication involves…
involves long LHs of Juxtamedullary nephrons
who is the countercurrent multiplier?
Long loop f henlee
countercurrent multiplication: 4 steps overview
- symporters in thick ALH=buildup Na Cl in medulla
- countercurrent flow in DLH and ALH=osmotic gradient in medulla
- cells in CD reabs more water AND urea
- urea recycling= buildup of urea in medulla
descending and ascending loops location
they are close and can exchange things!!! THis is why COUNTERCURRENT FLOW
what is urea recycling?
constant movement of urea between tubule and ISF outside
Countercurrent multiplication step ONE
WATER NOT REABSORBED (Talh walls impermeable)
So Na and Cl ions buildup in ISF
(def symporters in ascending=buildup ions in medulla)
Countercurrent multiplication step TWO
IS permeable to UREA
(establishment of osmotic gradient)
Countercurrent multiplication step TWO: Osmolarity
osmolarity of ISF OUTSIDE DLH is HIGHER than tubular fluid inside
so water moves out of DLH into ISF (osmosis)
Countercurrent multiplication step TWO: Ascending loop
ALH impermeable water, SYMPORTERS of cells reabs Na and Cl from tubular fluid INTO ISF
Countercurrent multiplication step THREE: ADH
ADH inc water permeablilty of P cells
Water quick to go out of CD to ISF to VASA RECTA (more blood vol!)
Countercurrent multiplication step THREE: loss of tubular water=
very conc UREA
BUT duct cells urea permeable, so urea diffuse into ISF of medulla
Countercurrent multiplication step FOUR
urea accumulation (ISF), some diffuses to tubular fluid in LH (thin and descending) (urea permeable)
What part of LH is UREA PERMABLE? (4)
thin ascending
what part of tubule NOT permeable to urea (4)
THICK ascending
cortical part of CD
so what happens to urea imperable?` (4)
Urea stays in the tubule fluid in these parts
4: tubule fluid in CD
ADH present water reabs (osmosis)
4: water reabs=
more urea diffuses into ISF of inner medulla
repeat cycle
What moves around the most?
moves a lot, then restart cycle (some we do get rid of)
4: urea recycling def
constant transfer of urea between segments of renal tubule and ISF
flow chart of urea recycling
water reabs from tubular fluid->
urea builup in ISF->
promote water reabs
so what happens overall? (step four)
SOLUTES left in lumen become CONCENTRATED
small vol of urine excreted
can vasa recta exchange with loops of Henle?
what all can excahnge
ascneding and descending LH with eachother
vasa recta with other vasa recta
flow of both systems moves OPPOSITE
what is the countercurrent exchanger
convert once currency into another