Lecture 3 - reading notes "an exceptionally preserved lower cretaceous ecosystem" Flashcards
define invertebrate
an animal without a backbone
define biota
the animal and plant life of a particular region, habitat or geological period
define lithology
the study of the general physical characteristics of rocks
define siliciclastic
relating to clastic rocks, consisting largely of silica or silicates
define tuff
a light, porous rock formed by consolidation of volcanic ash
define penecontemporaneous
(a process) occurring immediately after the deposition of a particular stratum
define mesic
an environment with a moderate amount of water
define arthropod
an invertebrate animal of the large phylum Arthropoda, such as insects, spiders or crustaceans
define pterosaur
a fossil flying reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, with membraneous wings supported by a greatly lengthened fourth finger
define geochronology
the branch of geology concerned with the dating of rock formations and geological events
define diagenesis
the physical and chemical changes occurring during the conversion of sediment to sedimentary rock
the jehol biota is of what age?
the late Early cretaceous
define ornithopod
a mainly bipedal herbivorous dinosaur
define bipedal
used 2 legs for walking
define ceretopsia
a group of herbivorous, beaked dinosaurs
define cursorial
having limbs adapted for running
is the origin of feathers correlated with the origin of flight?
define sympatic
populations occurring in the same or overlapping geographical areas
define ornithurae
taxon containing modern and prehistoric birds
define frugivore
fruit eating animal; can be any type of herbivore to omnivore
define theria
a major group of mammals that comprises the marsupials and placentals
what is the most abundant biological element of the biota?
define synamorphy
a characteristic present in an ancestral species and shared exclusively by its evolutionary descendants
what is Laurasia?
a vast continental area believed to have existed in the northern hemisphere and to have resulted from the break-up of Pangaea in Mesozoic times