Lecture 3 - Principles of Persuasion Flashcards
What does reciprocity mean?
People feel the urge to repay in kind (to reciprocate). When you want someone to do something for you, it’s better if you do something for them first (in order for them to feel more predisposed to help back).
Why does reciprocity work?
People do not want to feel in debt (implicit balance).
People want to restore the balance by giving something back.
What is the ‘‘That’s not all technique’’?
Increasing compliance by improving the deal.
Before one making a decision, you give them an extra attribute (discount, extra small product etc.) People are thus more likely to agree to a purchase.
How can the ‘‘That’s not all technique’’ be improved?
By making a pause before announcing the product and the extra product (changing the dynamic of the announcement).
What are the two techniques of reciprocity?
That’s not all and the Door-in-the-face technique
What is the ‘‘Door-in-the-face technique?
Someone might be more likely to comply with your request, if you first ask for a bigger request. (filling 2-hour interview and then announcing a 10-minute interview).
People want to do a favour for you once they have rejected the first one.
What is the theory of commitment and consistency?
People act consistently with their previous commitments.
In what scenarios are commitments more likely to be consistent?
1) When we have voluntarily commited to a cause rather than being forced to it (more aligned with reinforcing own identity)
2) Large commitment - sunk cost fallacy - consistent with things because of large costs involved in the past
3) Public commitment - accountability and keeping promise is highly valued
4) Commitments simplify decision-making - heuristics as consistency pattern.
What are the techniques in commitment and consistency domains?
Foot-in-the-door technique - small request ‘‘yes’’, then a larger one ‘‘yes’’ again - people feel committed to comply
Mere measurement - stating intentions commits people to act accordingly
'’Lowballing’’ technique - committing people to purchase (misleading promotion only to sell them another product - they have made the effort to visit the store)
Giver-matched gifts - we like to find the consistency of the giver and the gift (a gift mug of Louvre given by a French person);
Commitment and consistency are qualities we search for an appreciate in other people.
What is the foot-in-the-door technique?
Asking the target to comply with a small request that they would likely accept - YES, and then ask a bigger request => people are more likely to comply with bigger request because they had agreed once already.
What are two explanations for the foot-in-the-door technique occurence?
People reflect recent actions.
Consistency with the self entails agreeing again.
What is the mere measurement effect?
When positive intentions are stated aloud, people are more likely to commit to what they have said (voting, donating blood etc.)
What is the lowballing technique?
Presenting a deal to a customer, and when the customer wants to claim the deal, the deal is no longer availability and therefore the seller proposes another product (seller never had the intention to offer the actual deal).
What is the giver-matched gift concept?
We appreciate consistency in other people - Liking the idea of a gift that we can associate with the giver’s identity (French gift from a French person etc.)
What is the concept of liking?
People are more likely to accept a request from someone that they like.
Why do we like in general?
Physical attraction