Lecture 3 - Pharmacodynamics (Ligands) Flashcards
what is a ligand?
a substance/drug that binds to a receptor and influences its activity
ligands can be ____ or ____ to a receptor
agonists or antagonists
substances that the body makes which has a physiological effect (typically agonists)
endogenous ligand
a substance/drug that binds to and activates a receptor to produce a biological response
an agonist
an agonistic response is usually depicted as a:
concentration response curve (or dose-response curve)
refers to the concentration of drug that yields a 50% maximal effect
EC50 (effective concentration 50)
the maximal biological effect observed with the dose response
how do you calculate the effect for a given concentration of a drug?
E = ((Emax)[drug]) / ([drug] + EC50)
the formula used to calculate the effect of a drug is identical to the formula for:
the law of mass action
what is the implication when [drug] = EC50?
a half-maximal effect of the drug is observed (Emax/2)
a term that refers to the concentration dependence (Emax)
a term that refers to the concentration dependence (EC50)
a drug with strong potency has a low:
EC50 (only a small concentration is required to generate a large effect)
a drug with weak potency has a high:
a _____ can generate the maximal observed effect
full agonist
a _____ can generates a sub maximal effect, regardless of dose
partial agonist
an _____ causes suppression of basal activity
inverse agonist
can endogenous ligands be inverse agonists?
true or false: agonists can vary in both efficacy and potency
drugs with different _____ exhibit different concentrations required for a particular effect
drugs with different _____ exhibit a difference in the maximal effect that can be achieved
a type of receptor ligand that blocks a biological response by binding to and blocking receptors rather than activating them