Lecture 3: Judaism 2 Flashcards
what is in the Holy Ark in Italy?
- Torah scrolls
what is the Yad, hand or Torah pointer used for?
to help read the Torah
who was Herod the Great?
Roman ruler who ruled over the Roman territory of Judea but he appreciated Jewish religious traditions and helped renovate the temple in Jerusalem before its destruction
who was Roman general Pompey?
sent to settle the dispute(rivalry among the various contenders for the Hasmonean throne) but he established rule over the territory
what were the Jewish Revolts?
- the Maccabean Revolt
- the Zealots (temple was destroyed as result)
- Simon bae Kokhba (Jews were expelled from the Holy Land after)
conflict among who eventually led to a bloody civil war?
among the Hasmonean Leaders
the Romans ruled over the territory for how many years before the second temple was destroyed in Jerusalem?
over 100
what is Judea?
the Roman name for the province around Jerusalem
how was the Hasmonean dynasty ended? when?
in 37 BCE the Romans put an end to the Hasmonean dynasty by naming Herod the Great king of Israel
because of the destruction of the second temple, the ritual sacrifices were replaced because the priests were the ones that did the rituals. what was it replaced with?
ritualistic interpretation of the oral and written Torah. Caused the beginning of Rabbinic Judaism
what dimension of religion is emphasized when Judaism transitions from Priests to Rabbis?
when was the Rabbinic Period?
70-700 CE
by the end of the first century CE, the majority of Jews were living where?
outside of Judea
the written form of the Oral Torah is called?
when was the last Jewish revolt against Roman rule?
between 132 and 135 CE
the foundational literature of rabbinic Judaism reflects the interests and concerns of who?
the male rabbis
what are the two major parts of the Talmud?
Mishnah and Gemara
what is the Gemara?
commentaries on the Mishnah that were written by Rabbis over the generations and old commentaries are added to