Lecture #3 (Human Resource Management) Flashcards
What is the values, beliefs, assumptions, and norms that form the infrastructure of the organization ethos?
Organizational culture
What is a collegial culture?
Type of organizational culture characterized by consensus, teamwork, and participatory decision making
What is a personalistic culture?
Type of organizational culture charaterized by autonomy in decision making and problem solving
What is a formalistic culture?
Type of organizational culture characterized by a clear chain of command and well defined lines of formal authority
What is the most common organizational chart used in sports medicine?
Function-oriented (supervise alone their lines of expertise)
What is a service-orientated organizational chart?
Definded by the services the staff provides
What is a matrix organizational chart?
One that combines both function-orientated and service-orientated.
What are the 11 reasons why people may form relationships in organizations?
1) Social contact
2) Satisfaction of needs
3) Power
4) Peer pressure
5) Problem solving
6) Goal congruency
7) Understanding
8) Information and communication
9) Knowledge
10) Formal organizations
11) Physical proximity
What is staff selection?
Any procedure used as a basis for any employment decisions
What are the 5 staff selection activities?
Hiring, demotion, retention, promoting, and performance evaluation
How often should a job description be reviewed and modified?
What is validity in regards to hiring a new employee?
The employment of criteria that predicts how well a candidate will perform in a role
What is reliability in regards to hiring a new employee?
The consistency of staff selection procedures
What are the steps of the recruiting/hiring process?
1) Request for position
2) Position request approval
3) Vacacy noticy
4) Application collection
5) Telephone interviews
6) Reference checks
7) On-site interviews
8) Recommendation and approval for hiring
9) Offer of contract
What does the numeric analysis of a workload analysis determine?
The workload by calculating and comparing the amount of time a person spends certain tasks with the output that results from that tasks
What does the process analysis of a workload analysis do?
Streamlines the number and complexity of steps needed to provide service to a customer
What does FTE stand for? So what does 1 FTE mean?
Full time equivalent ( they work 40+ hours per week)
What does 0.8 FTE mean?
They average 36 hours a week (still normally get benefits)
What does 0.3-0.75 FTE mean?
Part time employee benefits (0.30 = 20 hours per week)
What does 0.25> FTE mean?
Less than part time and is often called casual or temporary on call (TOC) , not really any benefits
Who has the highest salary per hour typically?
TOC (no benefits taken out of pay, and you place really needs them)
How many health care units (HCUs) are ATs worth?
12 HCUs
What is staff supervision?
A process whereby authority holders observe the work activities of an employee to improve the outcomes of the employee’s work or the professional development
What are the three types of supervision?
Inspection/production, clinical, and developmental
What is the focus of an inspection/production supervision model?
On program missions and not professional development
What type of supervision involved the process of direct observation of an employee’s work with emphasis on measurement on specific behaviors and the subsequent development of plans to remediate deficiencies in performance?
Clinical supervision
What type of supervision emphasizes collaboration between supervisiors and employees to help them solve problems and to develop professionally while meeting the needs of the program?
Developmental supervision
What does the Fair Labor and Standards Act entail?
Ensures that employees are justly compensated for the work that they do that exceeds the boundaries of the normal workweek
Are ATs included in the Fair Labor and Standards Act?
Usually no because we are normally salaried professionals
What are Herzberg’s factors?
1) Motivator factor (challenging work, recognition, responsibility–usually lead to job satisfaction)
2) Hygiene factors (status, job security, salary, and fringe benefits—lack thereof usually leads to job dissatisfaction)
What are McGregor’s theories?
1) Theory X (believes all subordinates will avoid work if given chance, i.e. lazy, so they need to be closely monitored)
2) Theory U (believes employees are self motivated, and can be delegated tasks and share responsibilities)
True or false: Only Theroy X or Y of McGregor’s is enough to be effective.
False, you need a mix of both
Because of the ADA (Americans with Disabilitites Act) what three things must be taken care of when hiring an employee?
1) Must define essential functions of the job
2) Peripheral functions are not used for evaluation
3) Cannot discriminate based on the employer’s desire to provide reasonable accomodations
What does FMLA stand for?
Family Medical Leave Act
Can a person be terminated or demoted during FMLA?
No even though it can last up to 12 weeks.