Lecture 3: Components of Information Processing System Flashcards
is a collection or independent raw facts and figures.
Ex. Numbers, letters, symbols or combination of these
is data that is made meaningful to someone.
ENUMERATION: Desirable Qualities of Information
- Relevance
- Completeness
- Timeliness
- Accuracy
- Presentable
all of the information supplied must be important to the person receiving it.
no vital information should be missed out.
information must be available when in time of need arises.
Correctness or validity of information is necessary because no sound decision is made of poor information.
understandability of information is a function of ________.
composed of a series of activities responsible for transforming data into information.
Data Processing
ENUMERATE: Data Processing Concepts
- The Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model
- Data Processing Cycle
Enumerate: Data Processing Methods
- Manual Data Processing
- Mechanical Data Processing
- Electromechanical Data Processing
- Electronic Processing
refers to a conceptual framework wherein input in the form of data or information is processed which result in the generation of an output basically in the form of information
The Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model
implies the extend use of manual labor in the processing of data. Such method is slow and relatively inaccurate and could not support the rapidly expanding information requirements.
Manual Data Processing
involves the use of machines or devices that alter, transmit and direct applied forces. The advantages are greater computational speed
Mechanical Data Processing
involves the use of mechanical devices with electric motors allowing them to carry out any operation. Ex. Printers which give a permanent record.
Electromechanical Data Processing
it has superior capacity to perform computations and other functions at incredible speeds.
Electronics Data Processing
the flow of data from the moment it is recorded until the time it becomes a usable piece of information is traced taking into consideration what is actually done on the data in the process of transforming it into information.
Data Processing Cycle
FLOWCHART: Data Processing Cycle
Origin -> Input -> Process -> Output -> Origin
ENUMERATE: Major Phases of Data Processing Cycle
- Origination Phase
- Input Preparation Phase
- Processing Phase
- Output Preparation Phase
involves basic capturing and recording of data. Filling in the form is an act of data capture. Data are recorded on forms referrer to as source documents.
Ex. Of source documents:
Sales order, cheque, materials requisition slip, birth certificate
Origination Phase
it is concern with the accuracy and completeness of data to ensure data integrity.
Input Preparation Phase
ENUMERATE: Three Important Manual Steps or
Procedures To Minimize Data Error
- Editing
- Coding
- Verifying
process of selecting significant data and eliminating that, which does not need to be recorded for processing.
process that reduces the amount of data to be processed through the use of a code. A code is a symbolic representation of a thing or a fact and is comprised of numeric or alphabetic characters.
checking the accuracy of data gathered.
conversion of data into useful and meaningful information.
Processing Phase
ENUMERATE: Kinds of Processes
- Classifying
- Sorting
- Calculating
- Summarizing
systematically grouping data into classes. Data normally have common characteristics or attributes.
process of physically separating classified data and rearranging these into a predetermined sequence. It can be numerically or alphabetically, ascending or descending order.
________________-involves arithmetical processes.
________________– process of decreasing the level of details of data. It involves listing or tabulating data and totaling each list.
Calculating; Summarizing
result or information is generated.
Output Preparation Phase
ENUMERATION: Several Ways How Information is provided to the User
- Reproduction
- Communication
could be transmitted in printed or oral form
It is a group of organized interdependent components that interact with and complement one another to achieve one or more predetermined goals.
ENUMERATE: Characteristics of a System
- Unitary Whole
- Composed of Parts
- Bounded
- System Parts Interact with Each Other
- Hierarchical
- Goal-Oriented
a system is the sum of its parts glued into one distinct entity.
Unitary Whole
a system is made up of functionally oriented
Composed of Parts
boundaries separate the system from its environment
the parts are related and have definite interactions and interdependencies.
System Parts Interact with Each Other
Each system is likely to be part of another larger system. Just as it is likely to be divided into subsystems.
The components all work toward a particular purpose of function.
ENUMERATE: Basic Components of a System
- Inputs
- Processes
- Outputs
- Environment
elements that enter the system and take the form of energy, materials or information.
actions on the inputs that converts it to outputs.
the finished product, which resulted from processing the inputs.
the set of all outside elements or focuses that influence the system.
ENUMERATE: Types of System
- Information System
- Application System
a group of related activities (manual or computerized) designed to collect, process, generate and exchange information for the exclusive support of a major functional area to fulfill the problem-solving and decision making information needs of business workers of the organization.
Ex. Personnel Management Information System, Financial Management Information System
Information System
a group of related activities designed to support a very specific function.
Ex. Payroll System, Accounting System
Application System
ENUMERATE: Computer System Components
- Hardware
- Software
- Peopleware
supported by auxiliary or peripheral simply refers to computer equipment
refers to the physical components that are used in data preparation, data input, data storage, data computation and logic comparisons, control functions and outputting information
It includes the central processing unit (CPU) and the storage, input, output, and communication devices
non-physical components such as the machine coded instructions used by the different hardware facilities.
refers to all computer programs which direct and control the computer hardware in data processing
ENUMERATE: 2 Types of Software
- Systems Software
- Applications Software
is a collection of programs that facilitates the programming and operation of the computer. It is called _______ because it is an integral part of the computer system itself
Systems Software
specifically, it supervises the operations of the CPU, controls the input/output functions of the computer system, translates programming languages, and provides other support services
Systems Software
some ____________ are Disk Operating System (DOS), DataBase Management System (DBMS), interpreters and compilers, and data communication software
Systems Software
not an integral part of the computer system. These programs are written to solve a specific problem.
Applications Software
programs maybe written by programmers or maybe purchase or leased from computer vendors, software companies or other computer users.
Applications Software
refers to the personnel who manage, designs the application, writes and encodes the program.