Lecture 3 Bates ch 7 Pharynx and Neck incomplete Flashcards
ID left to right
Gingival Margin
Upper Lip
Interdental Papilla
ID top to bottom
Alveolar Mucosa
Labial Frenulum
Labial Mucosa
ID top to bottom, left to right
Crown, Gingival Margin, Gingiva, Pulp Chamber, Bone, Root, Pulp Canal, Apex
Enamel, Gingival Sulcus, Dentin
(32 adult teeth)
ID top to bottom left to right
Posterior Tonsillar Pilar
Anterior Tonsillar Pilar
Right Tonsil
Hard Palate
Soft Palate
Top to bottom, left to right
Buccal Mucosa
Opening of Parotid Duct
Upper Lip
A patient comes into your ER complaining of sore throat, but denies any upper respiratory infection like symptoms, which of the following is not in the differential?
- Allergy
- Smoking or irritant exposure
- Previous URI
Previous URI
Sensetivity to cold and heat could indicate what about the thyroid respectively?
Cold - Hypothryoidism
Heat - Hyperthyroidism
Asking a patient to stick out his tongue is checking what CN function?
(assess for deviation of tongue)
What CN dysfunction is this?
CN X Vagus
(can also check CN IX for gag refllex)
What are the muscles/landmarks that make up the anterior and posterior triangle
Anterior Triangle:
SCM, Jaw, neck midline
Posterior Triangle:
SMC, Clavicle (mid), Trapezius
Muscle crossing the base of the anterior triangle is the omohyoid muscle
ID top to bottom
E. J.
Carotid Sinus
Carotid Artery
I. J.
Clavicular and sternal heads of SCM
ID top to bottom, left to right
Thyroid Cartilage, Cricoid Cartilage, Thyroid Lobe, Thyroid Isthmus, Sternal Notch, Manubrium, Hyoid, SCM, Trachea, Clavicle
What order are they palpated in?
- Preauricular
- Posterior Auricular
- Occipital
- Tonsillar
- Submendibular
- Submental
- Superficial Cervical
- Posterior Cercvical
- Deep Cervical
- Supraclavicular
Now ID them
Preauricular, Posterior auricular, Occipital, Tonsillar, Submandibular, Submental, Superficial cervical, Posterior Cervical, Deep Cervical, Subclavicular
Angular Cheilitis
Actinic Cheilitis
Carcinoma of the lip
Large tonsils
(normal in some kids)
Exudative Tonsils
(Exudtive and Cervical lymphadenopathy? Think MONO, not strep)
(Injected, red, beefy)
Pharyngitis also
(Both photos could represent viral or bacterial, but if patient is afebrile, no exudates, or cervical adenopathy, chances of viral or bacterial infection is small)