Lecture 3 Flashcards
Describe the cariostatic properties of sealants.
Physical obstruction of pits and grooves
Decrease viable bacterial counts in sealed occlusal fissures
Prevents new bacterial colonization
Prevents penetration of fermentable carbohydrates and production of acid with bacteria
Sealants recalled after 15 years: ___% of surfaces were sound, ___% were carious/restored.
Group without sealants: __% were carious or restored
A pit and fissure surface (not sealed) on a permanent first molar is ___times more likely to be carious or restored after 15 years.
True or false…
Sealants are safe/effective. Their effectiveness increase with good technique. You must follow up and reseal deficiencies. Benefits increase for high risk (deep fissures and pits, incipient caries lesions)
True or false… you may never seal over decalcifications
False. You may as long as you dont see any radiographic evidence of caries under the enamel.
Evidence based reviews have found that caries risk for sealed teeth that have lost some or all sealant (does/does not) exceed the risk for never-sealed teeth
Does not
Therefore, it has been recommended to provide sealants to children even if follow up cannot be ensured
What are some considerations when sealants may not be cost effective?
Well-coalesced pits and fissures
Caries unlikely
Poor patient cooperation
When are sealants contraindicated?
Rampant caries
Interproximal lesions are present
Decay reaches dentin
Which are better for long term sealants.. glass ionomer or resin-based sealants?
Resin based
Glass ionomer are provisional sealants
True or false… reevaluation is important for resin sealants
What is the recommended acid concentration and etching time?
30-50% acid
20 second etching time
Overall, __% of restored surfaces (with sealants) remained caries-free 9 years after treatment
Between __% and ___% of sealants need repair upon periodic recall
____ teeth are more susceptible to restoration failures that ___ teeth.
What clamp should you use on primary molars?
What bur do you use for pedo restorations? How tall is it?
330 bur
The isthmus of a class 1 should be ___ the width of the intercuspal width
In primary teeth, for small surface restorations, should you use amalgam or composite?
What is the prep for a primary MOD?
Stainless still crown
True or false… bruxism is more common in adults than in children
False. Bruxism is very common in children
In a class 3 prep for primary canines, the proximal box should be directed at an angle towards the ___
When are stainless steel crowns indicated?
Primary or young permanent teeth with extensive, large or multisurface lesions
First primary molars with mesial interproximal lesions
Hyperplastic teeth
Teeth w/ hereditary anomalies (imperfecta)
Disables individual when oral hygiene is extremely poor
Abutment for space maintenance or prosthetic appliance