Lecture 3 Flashcards
a unit of heritable DNA
a variant of a gene
a location on a chromosome
Gene pool
the total aggregate of genes in a population at any one time, all copies of all alleles of all genes at all loci
-for evolution to happen heritable genetic and phenotypic variation must exist
-variation may mean that some population members have alleles that are absent in others
-variation may also mean combinations of different traits that are not present in other members
-changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA
-a key mechanism in producing variation
-can cause new alleles and genes to arise
production of genetic variation
sexual reproduction
how does sexual reproduction produce variation
new combinations of genes produced
recombination- exchange of DNA between chromosomes (e.g crossing over)
mutation definition
a change in an organisms nucleotide sequence that can result from copying errors during DNA replication
Heritable mutations
mutations that occur in the germline (the cell population that produces gametes)
-consequently random variation occurs in gametes
Point mutations
a change in one base in a gene
-may have no functional effect
-but if function is affected, a point mutation can have a large impact on phenotype
mutation rates in animals and plants
tend to be relatively low
-sperm contributes to 130/140 mutations while the egg only 10
fitness effects of mutations
some are harmful causing organisms to become subject to natural selection (deleterious)
some may be selectively advantageous and also become subject to natural selection (beneficial)
some have no effect
microorganism mutation rate
much faster than animals or plants
a localised group of interbreeding individuals that are:
-all from one species
-are reproductively connected
-have overlapping geographic ranges
change below species level, the smallest scale of evolution
change that occurs above the species level (typically described within phylogenies)
Genetic drift
-the 1st mechanism of microevolution
-a change in the frequency of alleles due to random sampling of organisms
-genetic drift tends to reduce variation through loss of alleles