Lecture 3 Flashcards
What are 3 reasons to preform a scan?
No obvious MOI
Proximal Cause for distal symptoms
Non-mechanical sounding symptoms
What are the 4 pulses you need to feel for in a LE exam?
Dorsalis pedis
Note: compare to opposite side
What is considered a normal rated pulse?
0- absent
1- very reduced
2 somewhat reduced
3 normal
4 bounding
How to do the slump test
Seated with hands behind back
Head and neck flexion
The thoracic/lumbar flexion
patient straightens knee
PT provides overpressure to spine
Ankle dorsiflexed
Knee extended
When should you reassess the patients symptoms during a slump test
During each position change
SLR pain 0-30 meaning
Acute/ severe MSK problem or space occupying lesion (tumor)
Pain 30-70 SLR test meaning
Suggest compression or irritation of nerves
Pain at 70+ in SLR test
Not a positive test
What is the crossed SLR sign
They had pain in opposite leg when you did the SLR, suggests large disc protrusion (not very sensitive)
Is the SLR a passive or active test?
Passive, the PT raises the patients leg
If symptoms are felt during the first part of the SLR test, what should you do next?
Have the PT flex/ extend neck and dorsiflex and note whether or not this changes symptoms
How long should you hold the provocation tests?
5-8 seconds
You should see _____ With lumbar distraction and _____ with compression
Provocation of symptoms
What is the L4 reflex
L4 - patellar
L5- medial hamstring
S1- Achilles
How do you know if you have abnormal DTR findings?
Compare to opposite side
What is considered a normal grade for reflex testing?
1 is low normal
2 is normal
3 is brisk
4 is very brisk/ no sustained clonus
5 is sustained clonus
What are 2 UMN tests for the LE
Babinski sign
Ankle clonus
What myotome is tested during heel walking
What myotome is tested during toe walking
When should you apply over pressure when assessing lumbar spine ROM
if pain free throughout entire motion
From what position do you assess lumbar rotation
If a patient fully completes a standing squat with no symptoms, what is likely ruled out?
Hip, knee, foot, or ankle issues