lecture 3 Flashcards
Why are multilayered networks better than shallow networks?
- There are larger datasets available
- GPUs became available
a. With one hidden layer, the network is poor at generalization
b. With more hidden layers, gradual transformation from input space to output space makes the out-of-set generalization superior to the one-layer hidden network
- Have much fewer units to learn (as opposed to fully connected layers)
- This is because they use a biased local correlation structure
> they only learn local relations
probing cognition with deep neural networks
(DNNs linked to behavior)
Physical shape of objects matches representation in early layers of deep-convolutional networks
Perceived shape of objects matches representation in final layers of deep-convolutional networks
Masked vs unmasked in the brain
Mask disrupts processing
For complex scenes you need recurrent processing but for simple scenes you do not
Deep network is capable of doing this task
Shallow networks are worse at this in higher masking conditions
you can’t present stimuli for short amounts of time with neural networks.
Single-image models
However, sequential models (i.e., BLnext) improve with time
o This way you can make them more like humans
o With this you can answer how-questions
covering law model
what is a good scientific explanation
Quality of quantitative model is judged by
1. Interpretability
2. Predictive power
in these models interpreting == prediction
If I can understand it, I can use it for prediction
Simple formulas can describe even the most fundamental phenomena
Critique of DNNs as models of behavior
We want to understand, not predict
Replacing one box with another
A clone system might have the same behavior but does not increase understanding
i.e., DNNs are typical predictive models but not a solution for those that are interested in cognition.