Lecture 2a Flashcards
What makes someone anemic?
Hgb <12 female, <13.6 male
Hct <35% female, <41% male
What are the causes of microcytic anemia?
Iron deficiency
Lead toxicity
Zinc deficiency
Chronic anemia
What are the causes of macrocytic(megaloblastic) anemia?
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Folate deficiency
DNA synthesis inhibitors
Define intravascular hemolysis.
RBCs lyse within blood vessels
Note: decrease in haptoglobin, possible hemoglobinuria
What types of RBCs appear in intravascular hemolysis?
Define extravascular hemolysis.
RBCs are destroyed within organs (spleen, liver)
Note: haptoglobin may not decrease
Why do sphereocytes form in extravascular hemolysis?
A little piece of RBC gets bitten off but the RBC snaps back into a normal form
How is iron in the cells affected between intravascular and extravascular hemolysis?
Intravascular: decrease in iron over time
Extravascular: iron is recovered and stored
When do we see spleen enlargement?
Extravascular hemolysis
When do we see red-brown urine?
Intravascular hemolysis
Why would MCV be elevated in hemolysis?
Because of the increase of reticulocyte count
Why would reticulocyte not increase?
Bone marrow may run out of resources to make more
What is a type of structural anemia?
Hereditary spherocytosis
What are types of hemoglobinopathies?
Sickle Cell disease
What is a type of metabolic anemia?
G6PD deficiency
What is a type of immune-related anemia?
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Hemolytic disease of the newborn
Who often inherits hereditary spherocytosis?
1 in 5000 northern Europeans
Autosomal dominant
What is the pathology behind hereditary spherocytosis?
Round instead of flexible biconcave disk
In small red pulp fenestrations which leads to phagocytic destruction
What are some symptoms of hereditary spherocytosis?
Mild to severe anemia
Can be undetected for years
Enlarged spleen
Gallstones (50% of pts)
What are possible treatments for hereditary spherocytosis?
Folic acid 1mg daily
Transfusion (EPO may reduce the need in infants)
Splenectomy only >5yo or until puberty (need antipneumococcal vaccination)
What tests should we order to help determine hereditary spherocytosis?
Blood smear
Coombs testing(should be negative)
What are the types of Hgbs and how prevalent they are?
HgbA 97-99% in RBC (2alpha, 2 beta subunits)
HgbA2 1-3% in RBC (2alpha, 2 delta)
HgbF <1% in RBC (2alpha, 2 gamma)
HgbS (2 alpha, 2 betaS)
What chromosomes are important for creating Hgb? What do they code for?
Chromosome 16: 2 copies of alpha-globing gene (4 total)
Chromosome 11: 1 copy of beta-globulin gene (2 total), as well as delta and gamma
What causes alpha thalassemias?
Gene deletions that reduce alpha-chain synthesis
What shows up on a Hgb electrophoresis for alpha thalassemia?
Equal proportions of HgbA, HgbA2, HgbF
What is the pathology behind alpha thalassemias?
Increased number of small “pale” RBCs
Excess beta chains precipitate which causes damage to RBC membranes leading to hemolysis in marrow and splenic vessels
Who are likely to have alpha thalassemia?
Southeast asian and Chinese descent
Mediterranean or African descent
What is the alpha thalassemia syndrome called when they have 3 normal a-globulin genes? 2,1,0?
3: silent carrier (alpha thalassemia minima)
2: alpha thalassemia minor
1: hemoglobin H Disease (no use for O2 transport)
0: Hydrops fetalis
What labs do we use to find alpha thalassemia?
Hgb electrophoresis (normal in minima and minor, HgbH band in HgbH disease)
Inclusion bodies (in HgbH disease)
What appears on a peripheral smear for alpha thalassemia trait/minor?
Hypochromic microcytic cells
Target cells
What appears on a peripheral smear for a Hgb H disease?
Hypochromic microcytic cells
Target cells
Normal RBC if had transfusion
What treatment do you need for alpha thalassemia minima?
No treatment needed
Check of iron overload from transfusion
What treatment do you need for Hgb H disease?
Folic acid supplementation 1 mg/day
Regular transfusion
What do you avoid taking when you have Hgb H disease?
Iron supplements
Oxidative drugs…
Sulfa drugs
What causes beta thalassemias?
Gene point mutations that cause reduced beta-chain synthesis
What are the types of mutations in beta thalassemias?
Beta+: reduced, but not absent beta-chain synthesis
Beta0: absent beta-chain synthesis
What shows on on a Hb electrophoresis for beta thalassemia?
Increased HgbA2 and HgbF
Who are likely to have beta Thalassemias?
Mediterranean descent
African and Asian descent
What is the pathology of beta thalassemias?
Excess alpha chains precipitate which damages RBC membranes causing hemolysis in marrow, spleen, and liver
Alpha chains → inclusion bodies → damaged erythroid precursors
Surviving RBCs → inclusion bodies → shortened lifespan
What are the types of beta thalassemias?
What shows up on a Hgb electrophoresis for beta thalassemia?
Abnormal proportions of HgbA, HgbA2, HgbF
What exam findings would appear on a pt with beta Thalassemia?
Chipmunk Faces
Thinning of long bones
Pathologic fracture
Failure to thrive
Why are children not growing when they have beta Thalassemia?
They are not getting enough O2
What appears on a a peripheral smear for beta-thalassemia minor?
Hypochomic microcytic cells
Target cells
Note: same as alpha-thalassemia minor