Lecture 27: Abd and pelvis, Female repro organs Flashcards
What parts of the female reproductive tract are located in the abdomen?
Ovaries and uterine tube
What parts of the female reproductive tract are located in the pelvic cavity?
Uterus, horns, body, cervix, vagina and vestibule
What parts of the female reproductive tract are located in the perineum?
Vestibule and vulva
What does the oocyte travel through during ovulation
what are the three main layers of tissue that comprise the uterus
perimetrium (visceral), myometrium (smooth muscle), endometrium (uterine mucosa)
what is the cervical canal?
the duct that connects the uterus with the vag
what is the internal uterine osteum?
the exit of the cervical canal pointing towards the body of the uterus
what is the external uterine osteum?
the exit of the cervical canal pointing towards the vagina
what are the three components of the broad ligament?
mesosalpinx, mesometrium, mesovarium
what is the ovarian bursa?
it is the peritoneal sac that encloses the ovary and is formed by extensions of the mesovarium and the mesosalpinx
what is the suspensory ligament of the ovary?
it connects the ovary to the abdominal wall in proximities to the caudal pole of the kidneys
what is the proper ligament of the ovary?
it is a short and dense ligament that connects the caudal pole of the ovary with the cranial extremity of the uterine horn
what is the round ligament of the uterus?
it is a band of connective tissue that extends from the ovary to the inguinal canal
what is the vaginal fornix?
it is the blind sac space in the most cranial end of the vagina and is located around the vaginal projection of the cervix
what are the four components of the vestibule?
urethral tubercle, clitoris (glans and fossa), vestibular bulbs, constrictor vestibuli mm.