Lecture 26 - Assemble Flashcards
group of con-specific individuals, living in the same area, relying on the same resources, influenced by the same environment, and interacting/breeding with on another
group of interacting populations of different species
population dynamics
- > all population experience bith and death
- > immigration and emigration are not universal

change in population (N)
N = births + immigration - deaths - emigration
describe what happens to a popuation when births are equal, greater than, or less than death
B > D the population is growing
B < D the population is shrinking
B = D the population static
describe N on a per capita basis
N = populaiton
b = births
m = deaths
r = per capita rate of population increase

what happens when the per capita rate of population increase (r) is greater than, less than, and equal to 0
r > 0 the population is growing
r < 0 the population is shrinking
r = 0 the population is static
Logistical growth
growth decreases as population size approaches carrying capacity (K)

Carrying capacity
maximum population that can be supported by available resources
Allee Effect
reduces repopulation if population size is too small

carrying capacity of the earth
- > determined by energy use or ecological footprint
(lant to produce resources and aborb wastes = 1.7 Ha/person)
- > estimated to be 10 - 15 billion