Lecture 24- Reproduction in Australian mammals Flashcards
What are the basics of mammalian reproduction?
• Mammals feed their young on milk, secreted by mammary glands • The three mammal groups (monotremes, marsupials & eutherians) differ dramatically in the way they reproduce + there is some variation in structure of the reproductive tract However There is also variation WITHIN groups
What does the female reproductive system look like (generalised)?

What are the variations in female mammal reproductive tract structure?

What is gestation, birth and stage of development of young at birth and the length of lactation in Monotremes?
-gestation= short -birth= from egg -stage of development of young at birth= very undeveloped -lactation length= long
What is laying eggs and pouch like in Monotremes?
• Lay eggs - Hatch 10 – 14 days after laying - Platypus 1-3 eggs: female remains in burrow - Echidna 1 egg: into pouch, female active • Pouch Platypus: no, Echidna: yes
What is lactation like in Monotremes?
• No teats (milk is secreted through pores) • Lactation: - Platypus 3-4 months - Echidna 6-7 months
What is distinctive about mating in Echidnas?
-echidnas form a mating train
What happens to the Echidna young?
Left in burrow when they can thermoregulate & spines begin to form!!
Where do platypus mate?
-in water -Females dig extensive breeding burrow – up to 20m long
What is gestation, birth and stage of development of young at birth and the length of lactation in Marsupials?
-gestation= short -birth= live young, development in pouch -stage of development of young at birth= very undeveloped -lactation length= long
What is the variation in gestation among Marsupials?
Gestation: 12 – 46 days Shortest gestation: bandicoots/dunnarts Smallest young: honey possum (4 mg)
How do marsupial teat number vary with species?
-2-22 -Antechinus • Supernumerary young • Teat number: 6 to 10 = geographic variation
How does pouch life vary in Marsupials?
1-11 months
What happens to the Marsupial young after permanent pouch exit?
-May be carried on back - May be left in nest -May be “young-at-foot”
What is the Antechinus reproduction like?
• Male testosterone levels extremely high prior to and during breeding season • Males aggressive, fight, stop feeding • Prolonged and frequent copulation • All males die from stress-related conditions • Males die before females give birth – no males in population for a period • Males in captivity, deprived of mating, survive much longer
What is special about Marsupial milk?
-dramatic change in milk composition during lactation • Early: tiny young continuous sucking small mammary gland dilute milk (carbohydrates) • Late: larger young intermittent sucking large mammary gland concentrated milk (protein & fats)
What is simultaneous lactation?
-Some kangaroos & wallabies have simultaneous lactation -have a newborn and an older baby, the milk is different for each -one is in pouch one is out already -newborn= under 1g, weak, continuous sucking, dilute milk -young at foot= above 1 kg, intermittent but strong sucking, concentrated milk
What is the embryonic diapause?
• Female mates within a day of giving birth • But embryo development stops at blastocyst stage due to sucking stimulus of young already in pouch • Embryo recommences development at weaning of older young – under hormone control • One female can have 3 young at different stages at any one time (one blastocyst, one in pouch, one young at the foot) • Occurs: in most macropodids, some small possums (also some eutherians e.g. seals).
What is gestation, birth and stage of development of young at birth and the length of lactation in Eutherians?
-gestation= long -birth= live young -stage of development of young at birth= developed, may be independent -lactation length= short
What is characteristic of Eutherian reproduction?
-longer gestation, more advanced young at birth, shorter lactation (relative to gestation) -At birth, much more variation in developmental stage of young -milk composition relatively constant during lactation
What is the reproduction like in mega bats?
Compared to other small eutherians: • Slower development, gestation longer (2 – 8 months) • Litter size small: most bats: 1 young/year • Form maternity colonies before giving birth • Large young – up to 30% of female weight! • Initially: carry young, then left in nursery • Must locate own offspring among many others
What is the Marsupial vs eutherian placentation?
both have a placenta during pregnancy • Eutherians: efficient allantoic placenta (respiration, nutrition, excretion) • Most marsupials: yolk-sac placenta (highly vascularised, but less efficient) • Peramelid marsupials: yolk-sac + allantoic form
What are the key differences in reproduction between the three groups of mammals?
-Monotremes & Marsupials: lactation specialists (short gestation + long lactation) -Eutherians: gestation specialists (long gestation + short lactation) -Remember exceptions!!!
What is marsupial reproduction special in?
Marsupials once regarded as primitive/inferior BUT marsupial reproductive strategies have advantages: • Some species can have multiple young at different stages at one time • Can stop investing early if environmental conditions deteriorate • Some species have embryonic diapause – can restart reproduction quickly if environmental conditions become favourable • Highly evolved: variable milk composition throughout lactation
Is there a better way of reproducing?
All three ways of reproducing successful! • Outdated view of marsupials & monotremes as “inferior” – comes from human and northern hemisphere perspective • Monotremes and marsupials also have highly successful reproductive strategies