Lecture 23: NCD case study Flashcards
What is epidemiological transition
Characteristic shift in the common causes of death and disability from PERINATAL and CD to NCD
What is risk transition
Changes in risk factor profiles as countries shift from low to higher incomes where common risks for Perinatal &CDs are replaced by risks for NCDs
What is the double burden of disease
Middle income countries with previously common risks for perinatal and CDs coexist with increasing risks for NCDs. Therefore have major challenges for health policy.
What is population attributable risk and how do you calculate it
To identify leading risk factors PAR is used to calculate the amount of extra disease burden attributable to a particular risk factor in a population. If this is casual association then this is the amount of disease we could theoretically prevent by removing the risk.
PAR = (total number of people with + outcome/total population) - ( number of people with disease+ but not exposed to risk factor (b/CG)
What is the SES inequities related to NCDS
> 80% of NCDs in LIMIc, concentrated among the poor. (Not mostly rich problem.
Double burden requires double response rather than just CDs for MIc. almost 1/2 of people affected by NCDs are <70yr. Chronic diseases can be prevented
Discuss the role that the commercial sector
(distal/upstream determinant) plays in (unequal)
NCD epidemics
The commercial sector creates uneven distribution of risks therefore leading to unequal distribution of disease and health inequities.
It does this by:
- marketing to vulnerable targets
- Changing physical and social environments
- Actively exploiting difficulties with behaviour change: framing choice, moderation and social responsibility.
-This promotes unhealthy consumption among vulnerable groups
-Therefore NCDS are higher in poor than rich.
What is industrial epidemic
Diseases arising from the overconsumption of unhealthy commercial products.
What is a R2Health approach for smoking
M-monitor tobbaco use and prevention policies
P- protect people from tobbacco use (smoke free)
O- offer help to quit tobbaco use (downstream targetted programme)
W- warn about the dangers of tobacco
E- enforce bans on tobbacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship
R- raise taxes on tobbaco