Lecture 23 Flashcards
Describe the overview of breathing?
When you are breathing normal, the diaphragm is the only muscle that works. For 2seconds on the diaphragm contracts - normal inspiration - and for 3 seconds off the diaphragm relaxes - normal expiration. However with heavy breathing you have to use more muscles.
Describe the feedback loop?
You end a message to your breathing muscles, bronchi and secretory glands. You then motor your breathing and feed it back through receptors to your brainstem to decide what to do with your next breath. Every breath is modulated through this cycle.
What is the aim of control of breathing?
To keep your blood gases normal and pH normal. To meet the oxygen requirement of what is going on (exercising or sick etc). Oxygen in and CO2 out. Minimise work of breathing by keeping gas exchange extremely efficient.
What is Ondine’s Curse?
If falls asleep stop breathing. The breathing muscles are fine. Normal blood gases and so feedback to the centre is normal. there is a single point mutation in the Phox2b gene in the RTN. Responding to rise in carbon dioxide - virtually no response to carbon dioxide. When people are awake (with this curse) they are stimulating their breathing 100 different ways. However when you fall asleep you loos most things that are stimulating the oscillator ampulator. Falls asleep and CO2 drive is low, and CO2 does not stimulate her to breathe again. Can get hypoxic, and die. Rare - 1 in a million.
Describe rhyme generation?
Rhythm generation ahs to be able to cope with anything in your life - exercise etc. Amazingly complex and diverse system.
Describe Pons and medulla in regards to breathing?
In your medulla and pons is where the control of breathing happens. The stimulus to breathe is preBotC. NTS feeds in for breathing.
What is the current view of rhythmogenesis?
There has to be an inspiratory “off” switch to allow expiration and ability to switch an active expiration. It is an oscillator - inputs modulate output triggering inspiration. Has to do this to make a balanced system. There is a neuromodulator (e.d. adrenergic) input to the rhythm generator. The generator also has sensory modulators (e.g. lung volumes).
What is the current view of patternogenesis?
The pattern consists of:
- Frequency.
- Depth (tidal volume).
- Inspiratory/ expiratory timing (I/E ratio). The aim is to minimise the work of breathing.
Where do you sense hypoxia?
Sense hypoxia in chemoreceptors (carotid bodies).
Describe peripheral chemoreceptors?
Aortic bodies are weak chemoreceptors. Found in the aortic arch. There for controlling cardiovascular responses.
What are the mains sensors for hypoxia?
Carotid bodies. Counts for most of the hypoxic drive. Feeds via the 9th pharyngeal nerve to brainstem. Detects arterial pressure of oxygen in the plasma. Low [O2], high [CO2] and hight [H+] (low pH) lead to an increase in ventilation. Responds very rapidly and slowly through different transmitters. Hypoxic drive varies.
What does the carotid body sense?
Senses partial arterial pressure of oxygen not the content. This is due to very high blood flow and response hyperbolic (Vt»f). Powerful partial arterial pressure of carbon dioxide sensor if not suppressed by normal partial arterial oxygen threshold.
What is the carotid body prone to?
Surgical trauma (carotid endarterectomy). Only need one carotid body for adequate control of ventilation.
Describe regulation of ventilation in chemoreceptors?
When carbon dioxide pressure increases, then so does [H+]. Because hydrogen ions cannot get through into the brain as the blood-brain barrier stops it and lets CO2 through. Carbon dioxide then converts to H+ in the cerebrospinal fluid. The hydrogen ion then stimulates the central chemoreceptor to stimulate the respiratory control centre, which will increase the ventilation rate.
Describe the ventilatory response to CO2?
PCO2 responsiveness is variable between humans, but every human has it. As you increase the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, you increase the ventilation rate.
What is important about the carotid body in response to CO2?
The carotid body is a powerful carbon dioxide receptor that is calmed down by oxygen.
Describe the timeline of the ventilatory response to partial pressure of carbon dioxide?
Initially there is a rapid phase (which lasts seconds) - there is rapid acidification of CSF and the augmented carotid body is stimulated by the partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Then there is the slower phase which lasts minutes - this is due to a change in [H+] in highly buffered medullary interstitial. Then there is gradual diminution of Ventilatory response which lasts hours - there is renal compensation with bicarbonate retention.
What happens when we get hypoxic?
If we get hypoxic, we stimulate the peripheral chemoreceptors which then stimulate an increase in ventilation. If the plasma carbon dioxide goes up, it then stimulates the central chemoreceptors to increase ventilation, and it stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors via an increase in CO2 and in increase in [H+] in plasma.
Describe what happens when you give people pain relief?
When you give people morphine (for pain) it slows down CO2 responsiveness; same for COPD.
What happens when you take away hypoxia?
In patients, they will become more hypercapnia and acidotic. There is an increase in oxygen which releases hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction to poorly ventilated areas so more blood to these alveoli with poor ventilation so carbon dioxide that previously went to better ventilated alveoli is not blown off and carbon dioxide accumulates. By removing hypoxia, it significantly decreases the drive to breathe - less ventilation and thus less carbon dioxide blown off and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide increases.
Describe the importance of breathing muscles?
Every breath you have taken, you have stimulated your tongue, muscles of throat. Have to keep your throat open as you breathe in. Abdominal muscles are important expiratory muscles. Abdominal muscles have to help a person push the air out.
What are the receptors in the airways?
- Irritant receptors (RAR).
- Stretch receptors (SAR).
- J&C receptors.
Describe RAR?
They are in the large bronchi. They make you cough and they respond to noxious gases. They make you produce excessive mucus to protect yourself from the noxious gases.
Describe SAR?
Stimulated as the lung gets expanded. Eventually they tell you to stop breathing in. It is somewhere between 800-1000mls you start to stimulate the receptors. At 1500mL breath it tells you to stop inspiration. They’re presumed mediators of the Hering-Breuer reflex (early termination of inspiration by increasing lung volumes - prolong expiratory time, decrease in f, relax tracheobronchial smooth muscle).
Describe J-receptors?
For bronchial C-receptors they use J. Stimulated by histamine, prostaglandins, blood clot. If you get vascular distention, will get them stimulated. Leads to shallow breathing. If you continue to exercise, you start to leak blood into the interstium of the alveoli. Stimulation of J-receptors, inhibition of gamma-motor neurone, inhibition of monosynaptic reflex and decrease muscle tone. They tell us when we are overstitching the system and when to slow down.
How are J-receptors stimulated?
Stimulated to variable extent in disease - pulmonary oedema, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia. This can lead to tachypnoeic breathless, whey, patient coughing up phlegm and being distressed.
Describe control of breathing in exercise?
Keep blood gases perfect. Minimise the work of breathing. You breath fast very abruptly, then have a pause when you stop increasing your breathing (feel breathless then). Then you start to increase your breathing again when you fine tune your system (minimal fluctuations of CO2). If you are producing CO2 you have to match it with alveolar ventilation. CO2 can get into interstitum.
Describe feedforward effect in exercise?
Parallel central command to locomotor muscles and to respiratory muscles. Motor cortex and mid-brain (PAG and RTN). Needs feedback to fine tune. PAG - key integrating common centre.
*PAG = periaqueductal grey.
RTN = retrotrapezoid nucleus in VRG.
Describe feedback effect in exercise.
Thinly myelinated afferents from contracting locomotor muscles via dorsal horn to NTS and chemoreceptor neurones in ventral lateral medulla. Sensor in muscle - metaboreceptor activation from venous distension (mechanoreceptor) - triggered by muscle blood flow and vasodilin.
*NTS = nucleus tractus solitarius (STN) in DRG (inspiration.