LECTURE 2.2: Hydrology: Cloud Physics Flashcards
It is the study of the physical properties that lead to the formation, growth, and precipitation of atmospheric clouds
Cloud Physics
It is a puffy thing in the sky which is a mass of water drops or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Hence, it is formed through condensation.
What are the different types of clouds?
Low-level Clouds
Medium-level Clouds
High-level Clouds
Vertical Development Clouds
What are the different types of low-level clouds?
It is a type of low-level cloud, often looking like thin white sheets covering the whole sky. It is composed of water droplets and causes light precipitation. Height is 6500ft or approximately 2000m
It is a type of low-level cloud, looks patchy grey or white cloud and often has a dark honeycomb appearance. It is composed of water droplets and is associated with stable weather conditions and causes light precipitation. Its height is 6500ft or approximately 2000m also
It is a type of low-level cloud which looks like fluffy white cotton balls with a flat base and round hop. It is composed of water droplets and is associated with fair weather conditions. Its height is 2000-6000m
It is a type of low-level cloud which grows on hot days when the air is warm, wet air rises very high in the sky. It is composed of water droplets or ice crystals (super cooled water). Associated with harsh weather and it’s height is from 6000-18000m.
What are the different types of middle-level clouds?
It is a type of middle-level cloud that looks like gray or blue gray clouds. It is composed of water droplets and ice crystals and produces diffused or dim lights. It causes light precipitation and has a maximum height of 26,000m
It is a type of medium-level cloud which has several patchy white or gray layers. It is made up of small rows of fluffy ripples and is associated with fair weather. Its maximum height is 26,000m
What are the different types of high-level clouds?
It is a type of high-level cloud, which is a delicate feathery cloud. It is made up mostly of ice crystals and has a thin or wispy appearance. It is associated with fair weather. Its height is 6,000m from medium level clouds
It is a type of high-level cloud which looks like thin white clouds and covers the whole sky like a veil. It produces halo phenomena formed around the sun. Its height is 6,00-12,000m from medium-level clouds
It is a type of high-level cloud which looks thin, sometimes patchy, sheet like clouds. It is composed of ice crystals and is associated with fair weather conditions, but can also indicate weather instability. Its height is 5,000-40,000m from medium-level clouds.
It is a type of vertical development cloud which has a dark gray color. It grows vertically and can reach middle-level to high-level clouds. It is formed through convection and can cause prolonged rain
What is the process of cloud formation?
Adiabatic Cooling
Cloud Growth
These are large bodies of air that have uniform temperature and humidity characteristics. It is formed over source regions with similar properties and causes change in weather patterns and forms clouds.
Air Masses
These are boundaries between contrasting air masses with different temperature, humidity, and density properties, leading to dynamic atmospheric instability and cloud formation
What are the different types of fronts?
Warm Fronts
Cold Fronts
A type of front where warm air advances and rises over cold air. Leads to gradual cloud formation and precipitation
Warm Fronts
A type of front where cold air advances and displaces warm air. Leads to rapid uplift, condensation, and formation of cumulonimbus cloud and severe weather
Cold Fronts
What are the factors affecting cloud size particles and distribution?
Atmospheric Composition
Vertical Motion