lecture 2.1 Flashcards
what is the basement membrane
epithelium which attaches to the connective tissue
it is a semi permeable membrane
- nutrients
-gas exchange
-water transport
what is connective tissue
it is support tissue
provides structure
it is vascular except for catrilage
examples are tendons, adipose tissue, bones, cartilage, blood
What is connective tissue composed of and how is it derived
it is composed of cells and an extracellular matrix (made up of protein fibers and ground substances)
Derived from mesenchymal stem cell - embryological tissue where all types of connective/supporting tissue is derived
what are the extracellular matrix fibers in connective tissue composed of
What is collagen
-main fiber type in the ECM of connective tissue and most abundant protein
-secreted by fibroblasts
-there are 5 types of collagen (secreted as tropocollagen)
since it is so strong it has tensile strength and helps resist pulling, stretching and tearing
what is elastin
fiber in ECM of connective tissue
-made up on tropoelastin
-is differentiated by collagen fibers using a special stain
-arranged as fibers or continuous sheets
-secreted as tropelastin
- stretch and recoil
found in lung, bladder, aorta, heart and skin
what is reticulin
fiber in ECM of connective tissue
-it is a type lll collagen
-produced by fibroblasts
-found in hematopoietic and lymphatic tissue
- branching fibers
-found in stroma of lymphoid organs
-stain with silver stain only making them argyrophilic
- it is a works as a support fiber and provides a framework around cellular tissue
liver, spleen, bone marrow,
what are the germ layers of connective tissue cells
-nervous tissue, epidermis cells, and pigment cells,
-muscle cells, skeleton, heart, kidney, blood
-endocrine glands, lungs, GI tract
what types of cells come from undifferentiated mesenchymal cells?
embryological tissue where all types of connective/supporting tissue is derived
osteoblast, osteocyte
endothelial cells
mesothelial cells
what type of cells come from hematopoietic stem cell
b lymph
what are fibro blasts (active with oval nuc) and fibrocytes (spindle shaped with flat nuc)
-they help to synthesize fibers and ground substance ( a gel made up of glycoproteins and carbs )
-they are the main cells in dense connective tissue
structure of fibroblasts
-Active Connective tissue cells
-spindle shaped cells
-large oval nucleus
-they are the main cells in dense connective tissue
structure of fibrocytes
-INactive Connective tissue cells
-spindle shaped cells
-small flat nucleus
-they are the main cells in dense connective tissue
what are chondroblasts
-cells that are found in the cartilage tissue
-precursor cells that turn into chondrocytes
-active and secrete into the ECM around them
-found on the surface of the cartilage
what are chondrocytes
-cells that are found the cartilage tissue
-inactive mature cells found in the lacunae
-surrounded by cartilaginous ECM
what are the cells that make up bone tissue
what is an osteoblast
-precursor cells that turns into osteocytes
-secret into the ECM around them
-found on the surface of the bone
what is an osteocyte
-inactive mature cell
-found in the lacunae
-surrounded by bony ECM
what is an osteoclast
-large cells with many (10-15) nuclei
-secret acid phosphatase and enzymes to reabsorb old osteocytes
-maintain bone metabolism (breaking down/reabsorbing bone tissue)
what are adipocytes and how many types are there
-fat cells that store lipid found in adipose connective tissue
-singly or in small clusters
-stain pale since lipid content is not preserved during staining and nuclei is compressed to one side of the cell
White adipose tissue - Adult used for energy storage, insulation, cushioning
Brown Adipose tissue - thermoregulation found in newborns and hibernating animals (lobules)
what is endothelial cell
flat cells that line the endothelium (surface lining blood vessels and lymph vessels)
what is a mesothelial cell
-flat cells that line the mesothelium (the membrane that covers the body cavities)
during in inflammatory response what would you see in tissue
neutrophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells
what would you see in the tissue as a response to an allergic reaction
eosinophils with orange granules
what is job of RBC
-contain red pigment called hemoglobin
- deliver O2 to tissues and release CO2 from your lungs
what are macrophages and which tissue types do they exist in
-phagocytes - destruction of bacteria
-Kupffer cells of liver
-alveolar macrophage - lungs
-microglia - CNS
-Langerhans cells -skin
what is a mast cell and where is a found
-responds to antigen- antibody reactions
-secretes heparin and histamine from cytoplasm
what are plasma cells
-derived from b lymph
-secretion of AB to provide humoral immunity
-cytoplasm is eosinophilic
what are the two types of connective tissues and what are they composed of
-Classification is based on fiber orientation
-this is how the CT is morphologically described
*Connective tissue proper (dense)
-loose (aerolar) ordinary -adipose, reticular
-dense regular
-dense irregular
*Specialized connective tissue
-supporting connective tissue: bone and cartilage
-fluid connective tissue :blood
What is LOCT
-Loose ordinary CT (aerolar)
-found in loose wavey fibers
-flimsy collagen fibers
-cellular with alot of matrix
-support, strength, elasticity
-found in deep layers of skin, around blood vessels, organs
example is LAMINA PROPRIA - GI tract with lots of WBC
what is adipose CT
-made up of adipocytes in lobules where the nuclei and cytoplasm are located peripherally
-functions in energy storage and insulation
-found in hypodermis , kidneys, heart
what is reticular CT
-like net with loosely arranged cells
-found in stroma (framework) of hematopoietic tissue (bone marrow) and lymphoid organs (spleen, lymph nodes)
-functions to form stromas, binds smooth muscle cells, filters out old cells in the spleen and microbes in the lymph nodes)
what is DRCT
-regular dense connective tissue
-mostly fibroblasts/cytes so basically collagen fibers packed into bundles
-muscle contraction
-found in muscles and ligaments
poor vascularization
what is DICT
-dense irregular ct
-collagen fibers in an interlacing pattern
-stand tension
-found in places that experience stretching like skin, fibrous capsule of organs and joints
what type of CT is bone
-specialized connective tissue specifically supporting connective tissue
-also known as osseous tissue
-consists of osteocytes
-found in skeletal system
-functions in support, joint movement , protection, CA/PO4 reservoir
-there are compact and cancellous (spongy) bones
what type of CT is cartilage
-specialized connective tissue specifically supporting connective tissue
-composed of CHONDRO AND ECM
-hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
what is hyaline cartilage
-most abundant type of cartilage
-blueish white with a shiny background
-provides smooth surface for movement at joints
-found at the end of long bones , nose, fetal skeleton
what is elastic cartilage
-made up of CHONDRO, collagen and elastin
-provides flexibility and support
-epiglottis, external ear, laryngeal
what is fibrocartilage
-made up of CHONDRO and dense CT
-attachment near tendon or ligament
-provide tensile strength
what type of CT is blood
-specialized connective tissue specifically fluid connective tissue
-contains plasma ground substance + RBCs + WBCs + platelets