Lecture 20 Phylogenetics 1 Flashcards
Trait evolves more than once; common in Biology
Incongruence among characters due to convergence between lineages or reversal to ancestral state
Evolve back to ancestral state
Shared derived characters
Ancestral trait
Not basis for grouping things
As a species diversifies…
All of its descendants collectively from a clade
Phylogenies are
Sets of hypotheses
If a new character state evolves in a species
That state will be passed down to all descendants species
Character states are
Alternative conditions of a character
That character state then becomes a new
A derived trait (new homology)
If the trait is shared by multiple species
Synapomorphies are evidence for
Phylogenetic relationship
Nested pattern
When another character transforms within one of the daughter lineages; As clades diversify and evolve, a nested hierarchy is created among characters
Are the same if they contain exactly the same members, no more, no less (clades are defined by who the descendants are coming from a common ancestor)
The Principle of Parsimony
Occam’s razor: given more than one equally good explanation, the simplest should be preferred
“Ad hoc” hypothesis
Each time we conclude that a trait evolved twice
We want minimize these because they lack direct evidence and typically makes it more complicated
Most parsimonious tree is that
With the fewest hypothesized character transformations, or in other words, the shortest tree
“traveling salesman problem”
No analytic solution, must examines all possible answers.
A difficulty arises when the number of species increases.