Lecture 20 : Mutation, Genetic Drift and Migration Flashcards
Explain Directional selection:
Directional selection is the basis for adaptive evolution but other types of selection can maintain genetic variation within populations.
Explain mutations (2)
- process that generates genetic variation within populations
- Meiosis creates new combinations of alleles, but all genetic variants ultimately arise through mutation.
The effect of recurrent mutations on allele frequency (2)
the amount G2 will change ( q) due to mutation depends on:
- the rate of G1 to G2 mutation (u)
- the frequency of G1 in the population (p)
- The change in G2 as the result of mutation equals the rate of mutation times the allelic frequency
change in q = up
This formula shows that as p decreases due to mutation, the change in allele frequency due to mutation will become less and less.
The effect of reverse mutations on allele frequency? (3)
- Reverse G2 -G1 mutations also occur at a rate v, which will probably be different from u.
- the rate of change due to reverse mutation equals the reverse mutation rate times the frequency G2 ( change in p = vq)
- overall change in allele frequency is a balance between forward and reverse mutation:
change in q = up - vq
Reaching equilibrium of allele frequency? = 3
- Equilibrium occurs when the rate of genes undergoing forward mutation is counter balanced by the number of genes undergoing reverse mutation (gain = loss).
- change in q = 0, in spite of the fact that mutations continue to occur.
- the point at which there is NO CHANGE in the allelic frequency of a population is referred to as EQUILIBRIUM
Reaching equilibrium of allele frequency (2) equations?
- At equilibrium, the frequency of G2 (Q) will be:
q = u/(u + v)
- This shows that the equilibrium frequency of G2 will be determined solely by the forward (u) and reverse (v) mutation rates.
Mutation: summary of effects (3)
- when the only evolutionary force acting on a population is a mutation, allele frequencies change because some alleles mutate into others.
- allelic frequencies eventually reach equilibrium when (change in q = 0) which is determined only by the forward and reverse mutation rates.
- Mutation rates are typically very low. therefore the change in allelic frequencies each generation is typically very small.
G1 <—> G2
Explain Migration
effects are twofold why?
- Migration is the movement of genes between populations. it is also called gene flow.
- The overall effects of migration are twofold:
— it prevents divergence between populations, and
— it increases the genetic variation within populations
Change in allelic frequency due to migration
- equation
- and explain it
Equation: change in q = m(q1- q2)
The equation above tells us:
- the change in q is directly proportional to migration (m)
- the magnitude of change is also affected by the differences in allele frequencies between populations (q1-q2)
Explain the mIgrational Equilibrium: 2
- With each generation of migration, the allele frequency in populations becomes more similar
- equilibrium is reached when the allele frequency of the recipient population equals the source population.
Migration: Summary of effects (4)
- Migration causes chnages in the allelic frequency of a population by introducing alleles from other populations
- the magnitude of change depends on the amount of migration and the difference in allelic frequencies between populations ( change in q = m(q1-q2)
- Migration DECREASES genetic differences between populations and INCREASES genetic variation within the population
- a MIGRATIONAL equilibrium is reached when there is no difference in allelic frequencies between populations
Explain genetic drift : 2
- HARDY-WEINBERG LAW assume the population are INFINITELY LARGE
however no population. is infinitely large and the gametes that unite to form the next generation are only a sample of the alleles present in the parental gene pool.
- therefore …change can cause the composition of. sample to deviate from the rental gene pool.
Predicting the magnitude of genetic drift
EQUATION and explanation
- genetic drift expressed in terms of the variance in allele frequencies among the populations (S(subscript p) ^2)
S(subscript p) ^2 = pq/2N
- The magnitude of genetic drift is determined by two parameters (1) the allelic frequencies ( p + q ) and (2) the population size (N)
Effective population size: 3
- population size is usually defined as the number of individuals in a group (Nc)
- However, the evolution of the gene pool depends only on the individuals that contribute to the genes to the next generation
- The effective population Size (Ne) is defined as the number of equivalent breeding adults in a population.
Factors influencing the equivalent Ne (3)
- Variation in reproductive success among individuals
- fluctuations in population size
- sex ratio
Causes of genetic drift
- Environmental stress leads to small population sizes for multiple generations
- Founder effect - populations being established by a small number of individuals
- Genetic bottleneck - develops when a population undergoes a drastic reduction in population size.
Genetic drift: Summary of effects (3)
- changes in allele frequency - because genetic drift is random, te frequency of an alle may increase or decrease and will vary with time
- Reduction in genetic variation within populations: random changes can cause allele frequencies to reach 0 or 1, when all individuals are homozygous.
- Gentic divergence between populations - because drift occurs,] randomly, allele frequencies in different populations do not always change the same way.