Lecture 20 Female Repro Flashcards
What are these arrows
What are the yellow and blue
Yellow=Primary Oocyte
Blue= Follicle
What is this?
Primary Follicle
it surrounds an oocyte(Yellow)
What are blue and Green
Green= cuboidal granulosa cells convert estrogen-precursor to estrogen
Blue= Zona Pellucida
Red= Theca interna cells form from stromal cells
luteinizing hormone stimulates them to secrete steroid estrogen-precursor
Label each
Granulosa cells secrete fluid rich in estrogen & GAGs – liquor folliculi
Antrum (A) (spaces that collect the liquor folliculi) – appearance indicates secondary follicle)
Theca interna (TI, white line) has steroid secreting cells (bubbly lipid droplets)
Theca externa (TE, blue line) has fibroblasts & smooth muscle
What the the arrows
Yellow= Corona radiata consists of some granulosa cells surround and accompany oocyte during ovulation
Red= Cumulus oophorus – granulosa cells that form a connecting stalk
What is the stigma
Mature follicle (F) bulges against peritoneum creating an ischemic “blister” – stigma (S)
Whats going on here
Not every follicle gets to ovulate
What is this structure
corpus luteum – specialized gland that secretes progesterone (if pregnancy occurs, placenta secretes hCG* to maintain corpus luteum until ~ Wk 11)
If there is no fertilization to Corpus Luteum
Corpus luteum is temporary: degrades to scar-like corpus albicans
What type of cells are these in the Corpus Letuem
Theca lutein cell
Smaller & darker
Produce estrogen
What kind of cells are these on the corpus Leutuem
ranulosa lutein cell
Bigger & paler
Produce estrogen
What is this?
uterine tube
Three layers of Uterus
Endometrium has two layers:
Endometrium = simple columnar epithelium + highly vascular stroma (lamina propria)
Whats going on here
Menstrual: Functional layer shed – rough luminal surface
Whats going on here?
▪ Smooth luminal surface
▪ Uterine glands are straight
▪ Coincides w/ follicular phase
Whats going on here?
▪ Glands secrete & coil (zigzag) ▪ Sinuses (lacunae) fill w/ blood ▪ Coincides w/ luteal phase
Sharp transition between endocervix & ectocervix –
transformation zone (TZ)