Lecture 16 Urinary Flashcards
What are the fxn of Nephrons
Filtration – water and solutes leave blood and enter nephron
Secretion – cells secrete substances into lumen
Reabsorption – substances move from lumen across epithelium
What is this
Parietal layer simple squamous epithelium(BLUE)
Capsular (Urinary) space(Inner Space)
Visceral layer cell layer that covers the glomerulus (podocytes)
Cell Types associated with Glomerulus
Podocytes: specialized epithelial cells -part of the filtration barrier
Mesangial cells:
-secrete mesangium = collagen & ground substance (support) -regulate glomerular distension (contractile)
-phagocytosis (keep glomerular filter free of debris)
Glomerular Filtration Barrier
3 components
- Endothelial fenestrations
- Thick basal lamina made by endothelial cells and podocytes
- Filtration slits between pedicels of podocytes
What is going to dictate what goes thru the glomerular filtration barrier?
Passage through GFB is restricted by size of openings and charge of GAGs – block blood cells, proteins, and organic anions
What are 1-3
Protein in urine = proteinuria
What dz does this
some diseases (e.g. diabetes mellitus) alter the glomerular filter to be more permeable to proteins.
Summary of Renal Corpuscle
- Blood enters glomerulus via afferent arterioles at vascular pole of renal corpuscle
- A portion of blood plasma is forced through the glomerular filtration barrier and enters the capsular space
- Ultrafiltrate will enter the renal tubule at the tubular pole
- Remaining blood will leave the glomerulus via efferent arterioles at the vascular pole
Proximal Tubule main fxn
reabsorption (>50% of ultrafiltrate) * water and solutes are transferred across tubular walls and taken up by the peritubular capillaries
What cell type is this?
Proximal Tubule
Simple cuboidal epithelium
* no clear cell borders (because of basolateral folds)
* long microvilli (brush border– only tubule to have brush border)
* irregular lumen (because of brush border)
* mitochondria to power transport
What Cell Type is this?
Thin limbs of Loop of Henle
Main function: concentration of urine via
Countercurrent multiplier system -associated with vasa recta
Descending limb – water passively exits
Ascending limb – NaCl passively reabsorbed
Only tubule in kidney lined by simple squamous epithelium
What is this?
1 and 2 Distal Tubal
3 Proximal Tubal
4. Distal Tubal
What cells types are theses?
- Juxtaglomerular cells: modified smooth muscle cells that store/secrete renin
2.Macula densa cells: closely-packed columnar cells that are sensitive to sodium levels in ultrafiltrate; signal renin secretion
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus what is it?
Specialized region of the distal tubule near the afferent arteriole that acts as a “sensor” for low sodium levels in the ultrafiltrate to help regulate blood pressure
Modified cells of the distal tubule (macula densa cells) and afferent arteriole (juxtaglomerular cells)
What happens when Na+ levels decrease in DCT?
- Macula densa cells stimulate juxtaglomerular cells
- Juxtaglomerular cells secrete renin
-increases blood pressure (vasoconstriction)
-increases blood volume (promotes Na+ and water
Secretory Vesicles with renin
What cell type is this and its FNX?
Collecting Ducts
Collect and transport filtrate
Several nephrons drain to each collecting duct Some water reabsorption can occur
Urine leaves collecting duct at renal papilla
What are these and fxn
Renal Papillae
Urine exits the collecting duct system at the renal papilla
Urinary Excretory Passages flow
Do not modify urine, only transport/store
4 Layers
- Mucosa -transitional epithelium
(except distal urethra) - lamina propria (fibroelastic CT) thin submucosa
- Muscularis -inner longitudinal -outer circular -peristalsis
- Adventitia
What type of epithelium is Uroepithelium
Transitional Epithelium
- Smooth Muscle
- Transitional Epithelium
Where in the body is this?
Transitional epithelium Thick muscularis (peristalsis) Thin adventitia
Where is this in the body?
Transitional epithelium
Thick, multidirectional muscularis (detrusor m.) Adventitia
What is this and where
Prostatic urethra: Transitional epithelium
What is this and where
Membranous and spongy urethra: Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
What is this and where
Distal spongy urethra: Stratified squamous epithelium (nonkeratinized)
What is there and where
Transitional epithelium