Lecture 20: Environment Flashcards
Process of decolonization: healing and moving away from a place of anger, loss and grief -> a place where Indigenous Peopls can thrive
It changes the relationship between Indigenous and non-indigenous People: ending settlers effect on gov, ideologies, religion, culture and education
“culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy”;
acknowledging the invisibility of Indigenous Peoples and their knowledge within an institutional framework;
recognizing and valuing Indigenous worldviews, culture– their way of knowing, being, doing;
the sharing of Indigenous knowledge, stories, perspectives in the education system
Indigenous peoples and the Crown work cooperatively to establish and maintain a mutually respectful framework for living together, with a view to fostering strong, healthy and sustainable Indigenous nations within a strong Canada
guardianship and stewardship of the lands
control of and access to ancestral lands and resources to ensure the sustainable, economic, spiritual and cultural well-being of First Nation communities
Indigenous world view
belief of spiritual world
There can be many truths based upon individual experiences
People and the land are all connected Community, identity and spirituality are rooted in this connection
Theland is sacred and usually given by a creator or supreme being.
Time is non-linear and cyclical
Life compass is internal, guided by relations with people and the land
Human beings are not the most important in the world
Working together to support the community
Western World VIEW
Scientific, skeptical, requiring proof
One truth based on science or law
No association of community, self or spirit to the land
The land and its resources should be available for development and extraction
Time is linearly and future orientated
Life compass is external, comparing of status, wealth
Human beings are most important in the world
Competitive for personal gain
magic number” of hours that we need to spend outdoors, in order to optimize our health?
at least two hours a week outside, for at least 20 minutes at a time.
There are 3 main theories as to why human connection to nature is integral to our mental, social,
spiritual, emotional health and longevity.
stress reduction hypothesis
biophilia hypothesis
attention restoration theory
Attention Restoration Theory:
nature restores our mental processes, our ability to
concentrate and pay attention
Stress reduction hypothesis
Stress Reduction Hypothesis: spending time in nature triggers a physiological response
that lowers stress levels (downregulates the HPA axis), inhibits stress response and
activates parasympathetic nervous system
Biophilia hypothesis
: humans have an innate, ancestral connection to the land, and
reliance on the land for survival
Benefits of nature
Increased endorphin levels and dopamine production (promotes happiness and reduces
* Lowered blood pressure and reduced cortisol (stress hormone)
* Reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression, increased feelings of calmness
* Restores capacity for concentration, attention, and learning
* Reduces feelings of isolation
* Greater sense of purpose
* More generous, kind with others
Ecophysiology: How is the environment affecting the physiology of our body
Mother Natue enhances
anti oxidative and anti inflammatory responses
decrease activiation of the HPA axis (stress response)
increase the production of the happiness neurotransmitters (DOSE)
regulates circadian rhythm
Phytoncides: natural antifungal, antimicrobial chemicals that are released in the air by
many vegetation, we breathe them in, and they go into the lungs and potentially help with
allergies or asthma, they end up in our blood stream and help activate and improve
immune response
Senses we have within nature (sound,smell,taste, touch)
Senses that we have within nature, we’re taking that neurosensory input into the body and
it’s having a beneficial effect on the body shifting the stress response, having a calming
Negative air ions
particles that have negative charge, tend to be in areas where its
moister (near water), going to inhale particles, antioxidant property in the body, enhances
oxygen delivery to the brain
certain bacteria that can be in the air or in the soil, these
bacteria help change serotonin levels in the body, help increase levels of serotonin to
make you feel calmer and happier
What is urban environmental (in)equality?
Environmental inequality results from the unequal distribution of the risks and benefits that stem from interactions with our environment.
Where you live affects your health
People that live in areas that don’t have a lot of vegetation are linked to higher levels of obesity
and heart disease
What is environmental racism?
It is the disproportionate siting or location of toxic industries in communities of [People of ] Colour, Indigenous and the working poor…lacking in access and political resources…voiceless
Urban Forest UF
collective sum of all the trees and shrubs that make up the green cover in urban areas
are a part of an area’s green infastructure (natural or man-aged spaces including fields, parks, bodies of water)
Risks of urban inequality
Areas with urban environment inequality are more vulnerable and less resilient to environmental stresses therefore more susceptible to climate change, natural disaster
UF and biodiversity predicts the level of ecosystem services an area receives:
financial: property values, tourists and shops,
socioemotional: safety, community cohesion,
physical/mental health: level of adiposity, mortality risk, mental illness
global warming: urban heat island
Effect of climate change on medical and physical health 4
changes in fitness and activity level
hear-related illness
increased exposure to waterborne and vector-borne illness
Effect of climate change on medical and mental health 4
stress, anxiety, depression, grief, sense of loss
strains on social relationships
substance abuse
post traumatic stress disorder
Effect of Climate Change on community Health
Increased interpersonal agression
increased violence and crime
increased social instability
decreased community cohesion
With climate change, which populations are at higher risk for experience physical, mental, social, environmental challenges?
lower SES, immigrant status - can’t afford a/c, no access to cooling centres
homeless - no access to cooling, mental illness
those with pre-existing mental disorders
those with pre-existing chronic health issue
elderly - limited mobility, impaired thermoregulation, dementia
children - underdeveloped awareness of symptoms, thermoregulation
urban heat island
is a concentrated area within a city with more condensed buildings, more pavement, less vegetation. Temperature is warmer than outlying rural areas. It can be 3-10 degrees warmer in ”core” of the city centre vs suburban/rural areas
heat domes
longer duration of heat waves at higher temperatures, with less decrease of evening temperatures. In the past, they would last a couple of days. Present-future 7+days at hotter temperatures.
Climate change is a “threat multiplier
meaning it amplifies social, economic and political tensions in homes, communities and countries where inequity and hardship already exists