Lecture 20 - Cross-Section Studies Flashcards
What is a cross sectional study?
Slides 3-4
- observational study that simultaneously looks at disease and exposure status (both of which are already know)
- no initial need for group allocation
- evaluates for associations not causations
- study of prevalence
What are the two approaches to a cross sectional study?
Slide 7
- collect data on all members of the population (smaller populations; city/state)
- collect data on a sample from the population and generalize (larger populations; regional/national)
What are the approaches to data collection in cross-sectional studies?
(Slide 8)
- questionnaires/surveys (includes reviewing medical records)
- physical assessments (includes lab work)
What are the strengths of cross-sectional studies?
Slide 9
- data is already collected (quick and easy)
- less expensive
- can be analyzed like a case-control or cohort study
- useful for answering multiple research questions
What are the weaknesses of cross-sectional studies?
Slide 10
- prevalent cases may represent survivors (can’t assess those who are deceased)
- difficult to study rare diseases
- can’t generate incidence rate
- difficult to determine temporal relationship of cause and effect
What national surveys are frequently used in collecting information for cross-sectional studies?
(Slide 12)
- National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
- National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
- National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS)
- National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS)
- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
What data does NHANES collect, how is it collected, and who is it collected on?
(L20 S14)
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Data collected:
- demographic
- socioeconomic
- dietary
- medical and dental examination
- lab tests
Collection method:
- examination
- interviews
Survey sample:
- US population of all ages
- oversampling of individuals >60 y/o, African Americans, and Hispanics
What data does NHIS collect, how is it collected, and who is it collected on?
(L20 S18)
National Health Interview Survey
Data collected:
-general health related questions
Collection method:
-home interview
Survey sample:
- civilian US population of all ages
- non-institutionalized individuals
What data does NAMCS collect, how is it collected, and who is it collected on?
(L20 S21)
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
Data collected:
-provision and use of ambulatory medical care services
Collection method:
-review of charts
Survey sample:
-non-federal, non-institutional office visits
What data does NHCS collect, how is it collected, and who is it collected on?
(L20 S25)
National Hospital Care Survey
Data collected:
-information related to healthcare delivery in hospital based settings
Collection method:
-chart reveiw
Survey sample:
-non-federal hospital-based settings (inpatient departments, ED, outpatient departments, ambulatory surgical centers)
What data does BRFSS collect, how is it collected, and who is it collected on?
(L20 S27)
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Data collected:
- risk behaviors
- preventative health practices
- health care access
Collection method:
-phone interveiws
Survey sample:
-adults (>18 y/o)